Bro p**** power the best song on here he needa quit playing and drop it before its too late
lol the album is 3 days old relax
the best move now would be to drop it with the video
guess gunna didn’t want an album where drake was the best part
good thing that could never happen lmfao
good thing that could never happen lmfao
literally would’ve if pp was on the album my g
I think this is pretty solid overall but def not as good as drip or drown 2 or wunna and imo doesnt have the same sort of aesthetic through line that those have either.
There are a lot of cool, sparkly, knotty beats and these are prob the most consistently enjoyable tracks. Kinda wish he did more tracks where he stretches his voice out in a way that isn't just basic R&B stuff though. Like on wunna you had stuff like feigning or dollaz on my head and I think here he makes the divide between R&B gunna and rap gunna too distinct. Like South to west and flooded are prob the best examples and are two of my favourites as a result but I just wish there was more of that cos the R&B tracks are kinda lacking in grit or texture or something.
this is such a great read. completely agree
Nah the moans make the track 10x harder. By the way listen to the original song she was moaning her ass off on that.
I’m glad you like it personally it made me mad and I’m never clicking play on that tracks again
I’m glad you like it personally it made me mad and I’m never clicking play on that tracks again
The moaning should've only been during the chorus
What the chance there’s gonna be a deluxe this week with P**** Power and that Bachelor song?