billboard cracking down artists finessing the system. a lot of people's fav artists won't be dropping for a long time now that bundles are gone as well.
Remember when all those singers cried when roddy blocked them from going #1?
f*** dem cacs
billboard cracking down artists finessing the system. a lot of people's fav artists won't be dropping for a long time now that bundles are gone as well.
Travis is dropping in august I ain’t think it’s the bundles, it’s definitely the concerts and s***
lets be honest who is listening to that silk sonic song like that
it’s pretty big on tik tok not as big levitating though
man im just tired of these chart things. feels like only teenagers and young adolescent women care about charts. what does the rest of the population consume? is everybody just listening to Lil Nas X these days? am i out of touch?
I swear charts used to be some s*** we floated around on KTT, talk about what charted maybe clown someone on charting low. But now it's just spiraled out of control. Every week there's a new number that is here and gone, Stans going absolutely bonkers, artists releasing 15 versions of the same song for chart sakes, bundles deluxe ect ect. S*** tired.
lets be honest who is listening to that silk sonic song like that
A Bruno Mars song? prolly old white women
Travis is dropping in august I ain’t think it’s the bundles, it’s definitely the concerts and s***
we'll see if he actually drops. his numbers should be interesting either way with the recent changes
lets be honest who is listening to that silk sonic song like that
Everyone dude y’all are so out of touch lmao