Nah i was intrigued, but i can't handle the very clear sound of saliva and juice swishing around his mouth as he eats this damn fruit.
Nah i was intrigued, but i can't handle the very clear sound of saliva and juice swishing around his mouth as he eats this damn fruit.
Watch a different one, that fruit is just hella slimy LMAO
His videos are strangely addicting, super interesting and niche
shoenice invented
F***ing insane channel, dude has like 300 videos of him eating rare fruits.
! this dude real asl
I think I tried making a thread abt him a while ago. wild how small of an audience he has.
this is prob his best vid, the whole series its from is valid asf too
^playlist if u wanna watch the whole Iceland banana series
shoenice invented
to this day i b showing random niggas shoenice down a bottle of hennessey in 5 seconds
lmao this dude real asl
I think I tried making a thread abt him a while ago. wild how small of an audience he has.
! is prob his best vid, the whole series its from is valid asf too
^playlist if u wanna watch the whole Iceland banana series
Icelandic bananas
His channel is how i discovered the black sapote, or the fruit that's supposed to taste like chocolate pudding.
Very interesting.
dude eatin