There has been times where I have to purposefully dumb down the way I talk or people wouldn’t understand me and/or would be too intimidated to hold a conversation with me. Now I’m not saying I’m the smartest person ever. But I just don’t like the fact that you have to speak in laymen terms in order to communicate with people. I just don’t feel authentic when I have to do that but it’s only way in order to get your point across when talking to others. Anybody feel the same way?
That just means you have a superiority complex and look down on others. An intelligent person has no need to use excessively verbose language or terminology when speaking to people, only "smart" people do that. Like Mitchell said we all code-switch when speaking to different people.
Also don't underestimate the intelligence of others. People generally are not stupid.
That just means you have a superiority complex and look down on others. An intelligent person has no need to use excessively verbose language or terminology when speaking to people, only "smart" people do that. Like Mitchell said we all code-switch when speaking to different people.
Also don't underestimate the intelligence of others. People generally are not stupid.
Damn bro. That’s some real s***. Got me thinking now. 😐
sometimes got act dumb
sometimes got to act smart
just depends who i am with/talking to
Damn bro. That’s some real s***. Got me thinking now. 😐
If I'm gonna be honest I'm speaking from experience lol. People really don't mind you speaking intelligently, if anything they like it because it makes them think, and makes you an interesting person to speak with. They don't like when you do so with an aire of superiority as if you're actively trying to sound intelligent and just showing off (or speak off lol).
And hey, some people aren't as sharp as others so if they don't understand something I said I just let them tell me they don't get it before "dumbing it down." And of course if I don't understand something I just ask.
I mean if it tryna speak on a technical subject and people don't understand the words ur using that's just pure ignorance. Like teach em da words and boom there ya go. Not everyone wanna be like "taught at" tho so just like use ya intuition and if u gotta change how ya speak then do it. It's worth connecting and listening to people regardless of how they may speak. Can learn something from everyone.