How has this been so far?
Episode 1: god awful why would they make this
Episode 2: not bad
This still just feels like expensive cosplay to me.
Yeah man, truly hard to get past. It’s at the same level raised by wolves was at for me… watchable but pretty cringey
Love the Dune films but cant bring myself to start this for some reason
might just wait till its all out and binge
Yeah man, truly hard to get past. It’s at the same level raised by wolves was at for me… watchable but pretty cringey
The cinematography is not on the same level as the films for obvious reasons. I’ve actually been very impressed with the set designs though they feel like dune.
The few wide shots of the spaceships and of the landing areas, which give a glimpse at the cities and/or surrounding area have also been great.
The princess’s acting leaves something to be desired though. Idk maybe I’m just looking at it too critically.
The Bene Gesserit are truly master cooks though jeeeez all that scheming on every side of the imperium
I also wonder if/when we’ll see Arrakis
The cinematography is not on the same level as the films for obvious reasons. I’ve actually been very impressed with the set designs though they feel like dune.
The few wide shots of the spaceships and of the landing areas, which give a glimpse at the cities and/or surrounding area have also been great.
The princess’s acting leaves something to be desired though. Idk maybe I’m just looking at it too critically.
The Bene Gesserit are truly master cooks though jeeeez all that scheming on every side of the imperium
I also wonder if/when we’ll see Arrakis
Yes the princess brings everybody down lol. And the choreography is childish. But agreed, some of the full cgi scape shots look great.
The spice agony scene was heat too
I’m surprised to see so much hate in here for the pilot
It was def boring for the first half, they tried packing too much dense exposition in, but the end was good and nothing was horrible about it imo.
Second episode was great.
Love the world building and they’re putting the budget to good use with the quality cgi. Great acting per usual with the big HBO shows.
I’m happy this has been made so far
they got one more episode to woo me over before it’s a #CHOP
Don't slog thru this twin. Save yourself
Yeah again I don’t get the hate
I liked the 3rd episode, felt like it gave some much needed depth/back story to two main reverend mothers. Don’t need some big action sequence to woo me
I’m open to hearing specific criticism for episode 3 if you’re not just an action fiend and thought something was wrong with the writing, but I haven’t seen anyone say anything specific
Episode 4 wtf is Desmond hart bro. Also a face dancer?? I didn’t think they existed yet in the timeline
Episode 4 wtf is Desmond hart bro. Also a face dancer?? I didn’t think they existed yet in the timeline
Face dancer where and when?
Face dancer where and when?
End of the episode Theodosia the black sister that’s in the Harkonnen household had transformed into the deceased brother of Veyla, and was shifting back into her regular form.
Idk if that’s a proto-face dancer or something else
End of the episode Theodosia the black sister that’s in the Harkonnen household had transformed into the deceased brother of Veyla, and was shifting back into her regular form.
Idk if that’s a proto-face dancer or something else
Oh you’re right. I forgot about that. Yea. Face dancers already is a force.