  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply

    Side note, this will forever be gold.

  • Feb 7, 2022
    internet buddy

    This s*** wild. Shocked the censors signed off

    Censors didn’t have a problem with it.

    UPN, the TV network, had a huge problem with it when the Associated Press put out a major hit piece on them for broadcasting it on the same day as the London Bombings.

  • Feb 7, 2022
    · edited

    JBL went to the Mexican border and assaulted immigrants trying to cross the border and ran them back…just to add more heat to a championship match with Eddie Guerrero.

    The Rock isn’t even on the top 5 list of most offensive segments WWE has ever broadcast.

    man wwe was so f***in outta pocket

  • Feb 7, 2022
    Beast Man

    Ironically liberals probably started putting the compilation together once he defended Rogan, and conservatives definitely started their hit pieces once The Rock took back his defense of Rogan

  • Feb 7, 2022
    2 replies
    · edited

    JBL went to the Mexican border and assaulted immigrants trying to cross the border and ran them back…just to add more heat to a championship match with Eddie Guerrero.

    The Rock isn’t even on the top 5 list of most offensive segments WWE has ever broadcast.

    Check out the YouTube comments for this. A bunch of Mexicans/Mexican-Americans saying that they laughed their asses off

    Crazy how much the country changed just in our lifetime

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply
    Beast Man

    Check out the YouTube comments for this. A bunch of Mexicans/Mexican-Americans saying that they laughed their asses off

    Crazy how much the country changed just in our lifetime

    Bro it's just TV

    The dude is literally saying "there's a herd of Mexicans"

    Heels are meant to be evil

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply

    Bro it's just TV

    The dude is literally saying "there's a herd of Mexicans"

    Heels are meant to be evil

    ...I know that I grew up during the attitude era. They did plenty of wild s*** that absolutely wouldn't fly now for various reasons. They had Trish barking like a dog to earn Vince's forgiveness on live TV at one point

    Bra and panties matches were my gateway to Girls Gone Wild ads and HBO late night soft core

  • Feb 7, 2022

    Nearly 900k americans dying of covid19: I sleep

    Dwayne Johnson said the bad words while in character during fake wrestling 20 years ago: REAL S***

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply

    Since we posting out of pocket WWE moments

  • Feb 7, 2022
    2 replies
    Beast Man

    Check out the YouTube comments for this. A bunch of Mexicans/Mexican-Americans saying that they laughed their asses off

    Crazy how much the country changed just in our lifetime

    There’s clout in trying to cancel things now.

    The game’s changed.

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply
    Beast Man

    ...I know that I grew up during the attitude era. They did plenty of wild s*** that absolutely wouldn't fly now for various reasons. They had Trish barking like a dog to earn Vince's forgiveness on live TV at one point

    Bra and panties matches were my gateway to Girls Gone Wild ads and HBO late night soft core

    That Trish segment didn’t fly back then to be fair lol. They got a lot of heat for that s***

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply

    There’s clout in trying to cancel things now.

    The game’s changed.

    I really wonder if this is a fad/wave that'll eventually pass. Like when the primary cancel culture demographic get older (idk if that's Gen Z or millenials, or both about equally) will seeking out old tweets/clips from TV to get offended by eventually get stale to them

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply

    That Trish segment didn’t fly back then to be fair lol. They got a lot of heat for that s***

    I don't remember backlash from that tbh. The crowd was kinda loving it, but they definitely had a bigger pop once Shane interrupted while Vince and Trish were laying together. Mans was still with his wife at the time too. Lowkey the McMahons were the patriarchal version of the Kardashians

  • Feb 7, 2022
    Beast Man

    I really wonder if this is a fad/wave that'll eventually pass. Like when the primary cancel culture demographic get older (idk if that's Gen Z or millenials, or both about equally) will seeking out old tweets/clips from TV to get offended by eventually get stale to them

    At this rate they’ll have to deal with their children doing it to them.

  • Wait so cacs are mad?

  • Beast Man

    I don't remember backlash from that tbh. The crowd was kinda loving it, but they definitely had a bigger pop once Shane interrupted while Vince and Trish were laying together. Mans was still with his wife at the time too. Lowkey the McMahons were the patriarchal version of the Kardashians

    Yeah, I remember Vince did an interview for like HBO or some s*** and the guy interviewing brought it up and he got pissed. When Linda was running for senate in 08 her opponent she was debating said and I quote

    "I think when you force a woman to take off all her clothes in an arena, and get down on the ground and bark like a dog, I think that's assault on women."

    S*** was slow for her after that Lmao

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply

    There’s clout in trying to cancel things now.

    The game’s changed.

    Name one person who you know who got famous for exposing someone significant for being a bigot

    Just one, no google search

  • Feb 7, 2022

    People are simply shouldn’t give their money and time to people who are close minded and intolerant

  • Feb 7, 2022



  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply

    What was the tweet in op? Or is op a delusional schizophrenic

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply
    rhyming rhino

    What was the tweet in op? Or is op a delusional schizophrenic

    Shut the f*** up

  • Feb 7, 2022
    Beast Man

    Shut the f*** up

    What are u talking about man who tf is trying to cancel the rock Like did u just make this up

  • Feb 7, 2022

    Rock saying he doesn't take steroids is the biggest cap of the century.

  • Feb 7, 2022

    theres so many things this generation going to find out about thats going to make them sick lol

    the world pre 2010 is cancelled!
