Yea this game gonna go hard as f*** when i get more skills. Plus with how techland supported the first one literally up to release to this one with updates, events, and dlc. Favorite game in a min.
word? That’s dope
the writer got me tood cause of allegations and they deleted all his work
Early game spoiler, I saw you already passed this part.
Sophie and her brother some snake ass b\*\*\*\*es. Made me fight to the death against hermann. I only sided with them at the first water tower because I like their movement bonuses in the world more than the PK’s. That’s as far as I’ve gotten so far.
Yeah the survivors are some dumbasses I’m going pk all the way
Honestly not a fan of the paraglide after getting it. Changes the whole game to less parkour, but then again I can't imagine getting around the central city without it.
Think I'm just a bigger fan of the smaller town settings for DL, makes better use of the parkour.
Jack and Joe camp is incredibly easy
What! My guy what are you using. The camp took me like three tries and I just ended up spamming moltovs 😂
What! My guy what are you using. The camp took me like three tries and I just ended up spamming moltovs 😂
There's like a bridge across from the boss guy just make them run down a line the bridge and toss a tank to blow them all up
Any good? Don’t really get the concept
It's like Far Cry with zombies and melee only and parkour
I wish I was unemployed
Work from home a blessing barely do s*** just log in
i will get this when it goes on sale probably hearing too many negatives to wanna pay full price for it
Work from home a blessing barely do s*** just log in
I work from home too lol but I actually have stuff to do
Any good? Don’t really get the concept
It’s just an open world apocalyptic zombie rpg with parkour, not really much to “get”
not a fan of how slow the character/skill progression is
u not good at the game bro?
find inhibitors
and fight and do parkour
wym slow? i keep lvling up too fast and im playin on Hard
Work from home a blessing barely do s*** just log in
best part of covid19 in canada lmao
Chase level 4 is actually unbelievably easy just go inside one of those night craft areas find a high point and just spam Molotov all night
not a fan of how slow the character/skill progression is
Honestly felt the same until I leveled up and got more skills. It’s a small grind but once you get it done the game will be hard to put down. I was regretting the purchase because I kept dying and it felt slow and took me a second to adjust to the controls but once you get it down you’ll actually like it trust me. Just have to give it a second I guess. Also looking back the intro to the game is insanely boring. It takes getting to the center to actually make this game come to life.
Tl;dr- level up some skills, get better weapons, and get used to the controls and you’ll at least be “satisfied” with your purchase.
Honestly felt the same until I leveled up and got more skills. It’s a small grind but once you get it done the game will be hard to put down. I was regretting the purchase because I kept dying and it felt slow and took me a second to adjust to the controls but once you get it down you’ll actually like it trust me. Just have to give it a second I guess. Also looking back the intro to the game is insanely boring. It takes getting to the center to actually make this game come to life.
Tl;dr- level up some skills, get better weapons, and get used to the controls and you’ll at least be “satisfied” with your purchase.
what grind
u literally just play the game