Is it coming back next year?
Who knows, even before Corona Sony had no interest in E3. Feels like this is the mortal wound
Xbox lost the next gen the second they named their console some non catchy name that sounds like another Xbox One X
Can’t even keep up with their dumbass consoles
Xbox One..
Xbox One X
Xbox One X Series X
Bro what tf? Just give it a rest. PS5 coming in smooth sailing with the perfect aesthetic, while y’all got a cube.
So you’re saying they didn’t lost when they thought it was a good idea to make their console always online?
So you’re saying they didn’t lost when they thought it was a good idea to make their console always online?
Wow lmao
Tbh I don’t even know much about the new Xbox. But as an average consumer, branding is so important and they already lost me at the name.
E3 actual show is cancelled but we’re still getting all the conferences so we’re really not losing anything tbh
E3 actual show is cancelled but we’re still getting all the conferences so we’re really not losing anything tbh
E3 actual show is cancelled but we’re still getting all the conferences so we’re really not losing anything tbh
Yeah the only people losing anything is those with connections or money who get to go to the conference and play the games on the floor
Everyone on ktt still eating