And this is how you do the man
But swear mac a legend
Like you saying Mac pen game >earls pen game ?
Yall ride d*** d***
No way, Mac cut the frat rap way before he even linked up with Odd Future, TDE, etc. Some of his early projects from even 2009 or 2010 didn't have the pop sound that Best Day Ever or Blue Slide Park did.
kendrick has wack music taste
looking at memes with music in them doesn't count as listening to that person's music
didn't earl come back in 2012? macadelic came out in march before they had any links pretty sure
Frat Rap Mac Miller was so WOAT
Revisiting K.I.D.S is hella cringe now
No way. To me, K.I.D.S. will forever be the epitome of that time. Opinions aside, going back to a project like K.I.D.S. is a curse and a blessing all at once. Rap in that late 00's to early 10's era seemed so joyful and carefree. Where are we at now? The subject matter has shifted towards d**** and you have at least one prolific rapper dying each year.