HoB thread turned Thursday waiting room. People tryna decipher the zodiac code and coming up with possible release dates. Constant blue balls cus the s*** wasn't dropping. Arguing whether he was a solo artist or a group.
Other than that thread I also remember the OG Lana Del Rey thread when Video Games first popped off. And the 2011 VMA's thread.
When that guy got trolled by someone in the Childish Gambino thread that BTI was already available at some record store so he drove like 2 or 3 hours there right after work only for it to not be there
Some copypasta story about a guy who took a girl out who had no legs?
It was a longggg post.
Classic ass thread
omfg I remember
that frostyflakez thread about him regretting having a kid and telling someone “adopt him or stfu b”
i kept googling hypebeast related fashion stuff in 2010 and first results was always KTT. i felt home
TI$A snapback swag era
during 2013 when i was getting into kanye i'm remember laughing my ass off on each visit.
music sxn was alot calmer those day where stans wars wasn't a thing.
misc thought i was hooplord when i first joined