They the new mumble rappers. You can barely hear these niggas on their songs. Why is this style so appealing to them?
Also why these niggas just sound dead on every song they make? They just talk over a loop and y’all hipster mfs hype it up. S*** is trash b.
post puberty deep voice Earl was overrated until he dropped SRS,
It was fire no doubt
And applied better than their creators. slums are overrated but Earl no
dont want to admit this just yet, MIKE's production is unmatched god damn that boy is beast on the board but I can't stand his vocals, I just wished he'd stuck to producing only
Keep your s***ty opinion to yourself smoking a fat blunt to MIKE rn while ur listening to toosie slide or whatever
don’t know how they’re overrated when I literally never hear anyone besides earl link them or talk about them
I'm sorry OP you take an L for cosigning a fwt opinion
This post has aged well sheesh
OP upset they don't have the same verse with the samey ass melody on every track with a generic trap beat like lord Trav Scott
dont want to admit this just yet, MIKE's production is unmatched god damn that boy is beast on the board but I can't stand his vocals, I just wished he'd stuck to producing only
I’m sorry this opinion is invalid. Try not to do that again
how is op getting cooked itt for saying obvious trash is trash like I don't think this s*** is even trying to sound good it's awful