Damn man they had something going all the way up until they debut album
I don’t even think they dropping bad music but something is missing or they lost something I feel like
Wtf is Cole doing with them, the last spillage village album was OK, they seem to be in limbo
This had potential if it was done in a different art style rather than the fugly 3D s*** they have going on lol
i think it would've been cool without the fat title and maybe better framing
this is worse
What’s being depicted in the art aside at least this one looks good
What's wrong with this?
i'm actually on the first page saying that the eathgang cover is fine. simz just put out a robot as well and i wanted to see how they compare lol
i'm actually on the first page saying that the eathgang cover is fine. simz just put out a robot as well and i wanted to see how they compare lol
Simz cover looks way better