That’s right I said it.
I was hanging out with a (former) friend and he’s flat broke. Always wants to hangout never pays for anything. Eats free whenever we go out with the boys, which is every weekend. Always wants to drink, never buys s***. Loves to smoke, never buys green. Always wants to drive my Benz too. Let’s him twice, and he didn’t fill the gas tank. Called him out on it and he said, the audacity, he said
“Not everyone has a big fancy bank job like you, some of us have real jobs. Sorry that I’m not a s***ty insurance seller like you (which is total bullshit because I’ve beat my sales goals each quarter by A LOT), I actually help people everyday” He works at Tim Hortons dude.
Idiot brought this book.
Could’ve brought food but he brought a book about eating food when you’re broke.
Hate broke boys like him. Kendrick was right you killed accomplishments. Grinded my ass off just to have broke boys tell me I’m wrong for being able to buy cool ass s*** that they want but can never have.
Drake was right too. Losing friends and finding peace. Good riddance.
I’m tired of broke people hating on rich people. If you guys were in my shoes you’d do the same things and feel so good.
Eat the rich? No honey, eat the broke.
What do you think? Am I wrong for feeling this way? Or is broke freeloaders ruining the fabric of our society.
That's crazy, just to other day I was telling my co-worker that we should Eat The Broke
That’s right I said it.
I was hanging out with a (former) friend and he’s flat broke. Always wants to hangout never pays for anything. Eats free whenever we go out with the boys, which is every weekend. Always wants to drink, never buys s***. Loves to smoke, never buys green. Always wants to drive my Benz too. Let’s him twice, and he didn’t fill the gas tank. Called him out on it and he said, the audacity, he said
“Not everyone has a big fancy bank job like you, some of us have real jobs. Sorry that I’m not a s***ty insurance seller like you (which is total bullshit because I’ve beat my sales goals each quarter by A LOT), I actually help people everyday” He works at Tim Hortons dude.
Idiot brought this book.
Could’ve brought food but he brought a book about eating food when you’re broke.
Hate broke boys like him. Kendrick was right you killed accomplishments. Grinded my ass off just to have broke boys tell me I’m wrong for being able to buy cool ass s*** that they want but can never have.
Drake was right too. Losing friends and finding peace. Good riddance.
I’m tired of broke people hating on rich people. If you guys were in my shoes you’d do the same things and feel so good.
Eat the rich? No honey, eat the broke.
What do you think? Am I wrong for feeling this way? Or is broke freeloaders ruining the fabric of our society.
She even was like do you wanna get a drink? I said cool but I'm slick broke. But she was like I got you and we talked a bit at the bar. Then she charged my friends for the drink she got me
She even was like do you wanna get a drink? I said cool but I'm slick broke. But she was like I got you and we talked a bit at the bar. Then she charged my friends for the drink she got me
That’s broke behavior please try to recondition yourself.
The bourgoisie really got yall thinking you rich It dont matter how much money you got if you work for another man you still broke
Niggas think cause they drive Teslas and buy Playstations they got it Nah you still gotta clock in and work for the boss and pay the landlord
You not rich you just less broke than everyone else