Might Not came on the other day and ever since i haven’t been able to turn this s*** off. this is an incredible album that i never see spoken about. RIP to Trouble i wish we could’ve seen more s*** at this tier come from him before he passed :(
(this a deep cut i’ve never heard until this week. what a f***ing great track man)
some of my fav mike will beats on this album. check this s*** out of u haven’t yet!!
great album rip a ATL legend
This had a buzz around the time it dropped fs especially on OG KTT. I remember I ran this back a lot he was on his way I think idk if he dropped anything after this tho, I stopped really following him.
listening to Krew this fine morn…
shame on your name, use another man name tryna get u some p****…. oh okay…. GO PUSH THE BUTTON ON THAT P****
listening to Krew this fine morn…
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6_uU3j0TBYs&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fktt2.com%2F&embeds_referring_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fktt2.comshame on your name, use another man name tryna get u some p****…. oh okay…. GO PUSH THE BUTTON ON THAT P****