Gtfo this rap forum then if you actually support this trash.
You ain’t a rap fan stick to this.
Y'all gotta stop labeling all Electronic music as EDM
Of course i would never expect KTT to actually know s*** about music but thats another problem
imagine arguing the diversity of music in 2020 when literally every genre is so f***ing diverse because anybody can make anything they want and release it at any time
major lazer is very Caribbean influeneced and has soul too its music unlike standard EDM.
its definitely more pop in the last few years but generally, it isn't your typical euro edm
this is the kind of electronic music im advocating
same. that edc fest s*** is trash.
Lol imagine sitting and listening to EDM like when you're not at a party or anything
Something wrong with yall if you have to be in a party environment to enjoy dance music
Something wrong with yall if you have to be in a party environment to enjoy dance music
I'ma sit like this and listen to Skrillex