early & this isn’t music
Unironically hope Ellen gets the Louis CK treatment and she has to rely on stand up alone again @HeyFella
I knew something was gonna happen. She was getting attacked left and right by employees for like 5 months straight. Oh well, time for the next day time tv show anyway
why did obama give her the presidential medal of freedom smh
Obama a terrorist too who cares
why did obama give her the presidential medal of freedom smh
They really handing these medals out like candy
why did obama give her the presidential medal of freedom smh
She fought in ww2
They really handing these medals out like candy
Obama was throwing these around like it was the Pedophile Of The Month award
why did obama give her the presidential medal of freedom smh
Another mistake under his presidency lol
why did obama give her the presidential medal of freedom smh
Ngl she always looks like something's wrong with her. Her eyes are always red and she's never come off as a genuinely nice person. That could just be me tho
why do we worship celebrities
logs out kanye west fan forum for the first time in eight years
Obama was throwing these around like it was the Pedophile Of The Month award