Eminem will never recover from this burn from the toast sandwich peeps
Europeans literally have the worst taste in rap (except for Russians they’re really into obscure Memphis s*** for some reason lol )
As I’ve said be for we really need to have entrance exams for them to join this site
I see you’ve carried your trash behavior over from KTT1
I see you’ve carried your trash behavior over from KTT1
do not slander sinewave
He might be bigger in the UK than in the US
He is because most Europeans are uncultured Neanderthals when it comes to rap
Eminem will never recover from this burn from the toast sandwich peeps
Toast sandwich sounds nasty af only an isolated island like the uk do eat that
I see you’ve carried your trash behavior over from KTT1
Idkwho tf you are weirdo
Where you from, Croatia or some s*** ?
do not slander sinewave
Sinewave been trash from time. You might be too.
Idkwho tf you are weirdo
Where you from, Croatia or some s*** ?
Does my name look European? I knew you was slow but...
Sinewave been trash from time. You might be too.
“From time”
Yeah you def from some weirdo country that does not have any exposure to rap
Does my name look European? I knew you was slow but...
Wtf does your screen name on a forum have to do with where you’re from lol
Ayo someone link me that thread with the worst bars on that new Eminem album for me real quick I'm on mobile
Wtf does your screen name on a forum have to do with where you’re from lol
Think about it. I’m sure it’ll take time but I can wait.
Man Who Has No Respect For The English Loses Last Additional Bit Of Respect He Didn’t Even Know He Had
I’m lowkey really tired of seeing Eminem at #1 every time he drops something no matter how s***ty it is