I forgot how nasty a lot of them old em songs were lmaoo
Literally abusive boyfriend rap
Eminem stans the type of ppl 2 play dis at a party lmao
Implying Em stans have friends LOL
First time hearing this. Is this a real song or one of those fake Em clones?
I’m probably getting trolled but you never listened to MMLP? How is that possible?
If this was made by a POC they would’ve arrested him. White privilege at its finest.
Plus this is a literal trash like how do these MAGA kids listen to this?
Wait em is anti trump thats not the fanbase lmao
Portraying it in art is one thing. Just tryna make sure no one defends legitimate domestic violence, saying "It's artistic" or some bullshit like that
exactly lol, you just know there’s so many monster drinking musty tooth enamel destroyed pudgy white losers with warped perspectives on women and relationships that listen to this song once a week to get hype lol
I’m probably getting trolled but you never listened to MMLP? How is that possible?
I think they removed this song from a lot of versions of the album for being too graphic or something
Wait em is anti trump thats not the fanbase lmao
Nah that’s his fanbase they like to go around saying “I’m a Trump supporter, but this diss was good xD, Love From Latvia ✌🏽”
Nah that’s his fanbase they like to go around saying “I’m a Trump supporter, but this diss was good xD, Love From Latvia ✌🏽”
Lmao many Trump voters in latvia huh
Listening to this as a Kid shook me, his story telling amazing, you could literally picture everything he’s saying. Classic song
Its because of people like you that eminem is making s***ty music like revival or recovery. Kim is the best interpretation of all time. The level of eminem is insane