yea? and Alfred Hitchcock made horror until his dying breath... what is your point???
Hitchcocks work didnt deteriorate at nearly the same rate
Hitchcocks work didnt deteriorate at nearly the same rate
The Birds really sucks though
yea? and Alfred Hitchcock made horror until his dying breath... what is your point???
hope em doesnt make horror like this til his dying breath
The Birds really sucks though
Felt like that was more her acting than it was his fAult
But thats just me
bruh really said you have to have a certain level of intelligence to understand the album
You don’t honestly believe that what Hitchcock was doing and what Ems doing are at all comparable in terms of quality or maturity
im saying both are artists who decide the direction of their craft. and have earned the right to do so... also, id say its a fair comparison given that that's the inspiration of the album...
17. A collection of nightmares, thoughts, and real-life situations I've lived. 17 is the number tattooed on the right side of my head, my own personal number, soon to be explained in future interviews or instances. By listening to this album, you are literally, and I cannot stress this enough, literally entering my mind. And if you are not willing to accept my emotion and hear my words fully, do not listen. I do not value your money; I value your acceptance and loyalty. Here is my pain and thoughts put into words. I put my all into this in the hopes that it will help cure, or at least numb your depression. I love you. Thank you for listening. Enjoy
so this is just the same KTT huh? getting on the internet to make sure everyone shares their same opinion and dump on anyone who disagrees? lol how many 16 yr olds can the internet possibly regenerate????
im saying both are artists who decide the direction of their craft. and have earned the right to do so... also, id say its a fair comparison given that that's the inspiration of the album...
Have you ever watched any Hitchcock lol
17. A collection of nightmares, thoughts, and real-life situations I've lived. 17 is the number tattooed on the right side of my head, my own personal number, soon to be explained in future interviews or instances. By listening to this album, you are literally, and I cannot stress this enough, literally entering my mind. And if you are not willing to accept my emotion and hear my words fully, do not listen. I do not value your money; I value your acceptance and loyalty. Here is my pain and thoughts put into words. I put my all into this in the hopes that it will help cure, or at least numb your depression. I love you. Thank you for listening. Enjoy
the influence
Forums speak about him
It’s a W for Em
Kevin Spacey also gets talked about
Since when is that an inherently good thing