36 chambers overrated
Reddit ass album
He's right. People love to hate more than show appreciation for what they enjoy. For example, I don't like Em's music but instead of hating on him online, I just don't listen to his music because I know it's not for me.
Haven't listened to any 2010s Eminem album after MM2 and haven't listened to the last 3 Cole albums either. Don't want to waste time and energy on that.
Plus, a lot of the Eminem hate online is white people overcompensating.
I guess he's making a good point about pop culture consumption and participating in the discourse surrounding becomimg a sport and people being disingenuous. Appreciating art isn't the central point anymore, critiquing is.
But that point doesn't really come across effectively when it's from a 50 year old man calling everyone a "hater".
why you doing this
that album is so good.. can we make this thread a live listen of 36 chambers? I dont care about eminem I aint heard the album yet
I guess my other 'criticism' of 36 chambers is that I'll absolutely take cuban linx ironman and swords over it
Thanks for letting me know @op . I was never going to listen to this and would've never known.
whos jordan
Sly Jordan?