  • ManU Minute

    Any man 21+ shouldn’t do this…

    Kendrick auntie diaries is crine AF, great message but a mistep. Some people actually hold their GOATS accountable. Learn to do the same.

  • May 31
    2 replies
    · edited

    Doubt it, just seems properly mixed. He sounds like this on King and I*

    Idk. This is the first time clone Em sounded like real Em to me

  • DYNAMIC UNO 2words

    Idk. This is the first time clone Em sounded like real Em to me

  • DYNAMIC UNO 2words

    Idk. This is the first time clone Em sounded like real Em to me

    Your brain is actually a plate of mushy peas

    Why the f*** would they waste resources cloning a rapper that doesn't push any message at all?

    We are supposed to take your anti-Kendrick takes/obsession seriously when you are a tinfoil hat wearing freak

  • May 31
    1 reply

    Listened a few more times and started going through his catalog since last night.

    For reference, was a fan of his older stuff for the most part but kinda fell in to the he’s corny crowd the latter part of his career.

    But man, the older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve come to realize the he’s corny s*** is so played out. Like he’s definitely released some ass but Em’s been goofy from the rip. I genuinely don’t understand ppl who expect him to drop a “mature” 4:44 style album. It wouldn’t even make sense, that’s not him.

    No matter what anyone says, this dude really is an incredible f***ing rapper. Was listening to Stay Wide Awake. Like I get it, Idk where you could even play it. But man, that second verse is crazy. Like genuinely, idk how someone could even come up with that s*** lol.

    Dude may not be as culturally relevant, prolly wouldn’t be as big if he wasn’t white but I feel in general he’s always been respectful to the space he’s been in.
    Dude thanked like a 100 rappers in his Rock & Roll HOF speech lol. Anyways hope Em gets his flowers and the album isn’t ass.

  • May 31
    2 replies

    Eminem fans think talking about Megs feet is the only way you can have a line about her.

    Weak men. No wonder Slim couldn’t keep a woman

  • First listen, raw thoughts: A lot better than expected, given the last 15 years. No super lummawunnadumma. Black Eyed Peas refernece always a plus they the GOATs u already know. Fun light airy listen nothing special one listen classic chika chikka slim shady

  • May 31
    1 reply

    Listened a few more times and started going through his catalog since last night.

    For reference, was a fan of his older stuff for the most part but kinda fell in to the he’s corny crowd the latter part of his career.

    But man, the older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve come to realize the he’s corny s*** is so played out. Like he’s definitely released some ass but Em’s been goofy from the rip. I genuinely don’t understand ppl who expect him to drop a “mature” 4:44 style album. It wouldn’t even make sense, that’s not him.

    No matter what anyone says, this dude really is an incredible f***ing rapper. Was listening to Stay Wide Awake. Like I get it, Idk where you could even play it. But man, that second verse is crazy. Like genuinely, idk how someone could even come up with that s*** lol.

    Dude may not be as culturally relevant, prolly wouldn’t be as big if he wasn’t white but I feel in general he’s always been respectful to the space he’s been in.
    Dude thanked like a 100 rappers in his Rock & Roll HOF speech lol. Anyways hope Em gets his flowers and the album isn’t ass.

    Also shocked I’ve seen ppl on twitter genuinely upset about the Megan bar. Jesus Christ

  • e t t 👽
    May 31
    1 reply

    Also shocked I’ve seen ppl on twitter genuinely upset about the Megan bar. Jesus Christ

    Lowkey tho it kind of sucks for Megan that she’s now the go to when a rapper wants a viral controversy bar lol

  • May 31
    1 reply
    OVO Steve Carell

    if kenny would've did this s*** then things would've been different right?

    No one brought up Kendrick but you.

  • May 31
    2 replies
    ManU Minute

    Eminem fans think talking about Megs feet is the only way you can have a line about her.

    Weak men. No wonder Slim couldn’t keep a woman

    Kendrick Lamar moved across the country to get away from his failed engagement he’s been leading a woman through since 2015

  • May 31
    1 reply

    Kendrick Lamar moved across the country to get away from his failed engagement he’s been leading a woman through since 2015

    Drake touches children.

  • Ghetto Lenny

    No one brought up Kendrick but you.

    is it illegal to bring kenny up ghetto lenny?

  • May 31
    1 reply

    11 on Apple Music. Em might have a top ten hit for the first time in years.

  • May 31
    1 reply
    Ghetto Lenny

    Drake touches children.

    Get help. I seriously hope your insurance covers it because you are a deeply sick person.

  • May 31
    Ghetto Lenny
    · edited

    11 on Apple Music. Em might have a top ten hit for the first time in years.

    I think we are back

  • vahn

    picture being the most famous rapper alive with unlimited resources and this is what your single cover is

  • doot

    Get help. I seriously hope your insurance covers it because you are a deeply sick person.

    A minorrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • Got two balls big as RuPaul's

  • I like the music vid

    Wont go back to the song tho

  • May 31
    1 reply

    Kendrick Lamar moved across the country to get away from his failed engagement he’s been leading a woman through since 2015

    Eminem fans 🤝 hating Skylar

    Pure loser energy

  • May 31
    1 reply

    This is such a fun song this is what I’ve wanted from Eminem

    Not 20 love the way you lies and a rap god on every album

    The success of Recovery ruined his music?

  • OnceAgain

    The success of Recovery ruined his music?

    Think he tried way too hard to recreate the success of ltwyl on the albums after it. The monster wasn’t terrible but walk on water was horrendous. Then those other songs featuring artists he should never collaborate with ended up sounding like trash.

  • did eminem have a CTE

  • e t t

    Lowkey tho it kind of sucks for Megan that she’s now the go to when a rapper wants a viral controversy bar lol

    Yeah for sure, just feel like the Em line is so tongue in cheek. I’ve seen tweets about how he’s genuinely a misogynist. Like dude is making fun of genders but one of his daughters in the video is literally non binary lol. It’s just his schtick, corny or not lol