Saying Em detractors are white =/= saying em has a black fanbase. Everybody know who his fans be if you grew up with Hip Hop Culture, and though his recent s*** is weak his earlier work is great.
We know that theres a phenomenon of suburban kids trynna seem hard by listening to rap, and its seems that it's a lot of em who only got into rap in 2015/2016 trying to compensate by s***ting on him
ive had enough barbershop debates to know that there has always been eminem detractors and they aint all white kids tryna act hard online
kinda hard to say he wasn’t dropping quality when he experienced no dip in sales for 15 years
That’s fair. It’s subjective but you can go check the meta critic ratings and see that drastic decline
ive had enough barbershop debates to know that there has always been eminem detractors and they aint all white kids tryna act hard online
I'm not saying they all are either
They say that just to discredit actual criticism of eminem, it's literally silencing black/brown voices who never or at one point stopped fuxking with eminem...
like we ignoring the resentment his fanbase had against lil wayne for years? the McDonald's memes, the "rap is like a mountain" s***, the "i don't listen to hip hop but" s***
niggas need to stop
said mainly man. lord jamar and hating ass niggas exist too
If you don't care to read the reply as it is quite long, spare yourself the memes and s***
There's legit criticism and hate, black people have been low-key pressured into admitting that eminem is the goat and of they dare say otherwise...
They're hating or too dumb too understand eminem's impact/influence, ah yes because black people aren't allowed to question anything that got promoted on mtv (major label push) or did big numbers (majority white fan base)
Yes, the arguments that some black people raise about em not being bumped in the clubs is so stupid lol
let's pretend hip hop didn't originate at block parties, social environments such as parties/clubs is where black/brown youth get to experience fun and express themselves, the music played there is a reflection of what they want to hear/what they relate too
Only white people who hate themselves on the net and want to be accepted by black people hate on eminem
well, yeah but let's adress you using racist em stan rhetoric against black people: they birthed the "black people hate eminem because he's white, they're too dumb to get his music" sentiment... I've read them comment things such as "only old black fools hate on eminem" this Revival/kamikaze era... Your only white people who hate themselves bs is a result of their bs, it's basically saying : *ha, sensible white people would never hate eminem, they can go over there and be accepted by black people who will listen to their asinine ramblings whilst we listen to masterpieces such as "fack"*
White people's obsession with Eminem is creepy.
And I'm not talking about his stans,
KTT cant seem to stay off his d*** and cant go a day without mentioning him
shut tf up you big ass baby. if it didn't apply to you stop being in ya feelings about it. s***s embarrassing
This sum KTT gotta learn to understand, if it don’t apply to you keep scrolling, you can tell when it be hittin people
i like the new ktt counter narrative that eminem detractors are the actual white suburban kids
i been black my whole life, from black ass Newark, NJ and i dont know many people my age or older who was actively jacking his music from the time I was a kid in the mid 2000s to now, and his fan base online are extremely anti-hip hop and racist af
yall cant ignore that
Most of his hardcore fans are at least borderline racist yes. But plenty of black folks f*** with him but not close to majority.
Mostly people just respect that he was a talented rapper but agree that he fell off super hard
I promise you no black person was or is actually angry about this
that's how i know a majority of yall are cosplaying as black people on here. this eminem hate s*** exists mainly on the internet and was made up by self hating white teenagers
Thank you
“I think Eminem sucks. I only listen to Youngboy and Sosa. I’m not like the other white dweebs on this hip hop forum that I post on”
U never fail bruh
If you don't care to read the reply as it is quite long, spare yourself the memes and s***
There's legit criticism and hate, black people have been low-key pressured into admitting that eminem is the goat and of they dare say otherwise...
They're hating or too dumb too understand eminem's impact/influence, ah yes because black people aren't allowed to question anything that got promoted on mtv (major label push) or did big numbers (majority white fan base)
Yes, the arguments that some black people raise about em not being bumped in the clubs is so stupid lol
let's pretend hip hop didn't originate at block parties, social environments such as parties/clubs is where black/brown youth get to experience fun and express themselves, the music played there is a reflection of what they want to hear/what they relate too
Only white people who hate themselves on the net and want to be accepted by black people hate on eminem
well, yeah but let's adress you using racist em stan rhetoric against black people: they birthed the "black people hate eminem because he's white, they're too dumb to get his music" sentiment... I've read them comment things such as "only old black fools hate on eminem" this Revival/kamikaze era... Your only white people who hate themselves bs is a result of their bs, it's basically saying : *ha, sensible white people would never hate eminem, they can go over there and be accepted by black people who will listen to their asinine ramblings whilst we listen to masterpieces such as "fack"*
yea g im sure you s***ted on me in this. enjoy the dub
can't be f***ed to read that bruv
Eminem is damn near 50 years old and people m think he’s racist for a song he made when he was 15 lmaoooooo.
Ja said it best;
“Em, what's the durag for?
You never gon' have waves, you'll never know black pain”
If you don't care to read the reply as it is quite long, spare yourself the memes and s***
There's legit criticism and hate, black people have been low-key pressured into admitting that eminem is the goat and of they dare say otherwise...
They're hating or too dumb too understand eminem's impact/influence, ah yes because black people aren't allowed to question anything that got promoted on mtv (major label push) or did big numbers (majority white fan base)
Yes, the arguments that some black people raise about em not being bumped in the clubs is so stupid lol
let's pretend hip hop didn't originate at block parties, social environments such as parties/clubs is where black/brown youth get to experience fun and express themselves, the music played there is a reflection of what they want to hear/what they relate too
Only white people who hate themselves on the net and want to be accepted by black people hate on eminem
well, yeah but let's adress you using racist em stan rhetoric against black people: they birthed the "black people hate eminem because he's white, they're too dumb to get his music" sentiment... I've read them comment things such as "only old black fools hate on eminem" this Revival/kamikaze era... Your only white people who hate themselves bs is a result of their bs, it's basically saying : *ha, sensible white people would never hate eminem, they can go over there and be accepted by black people who will listen to their asinine ramblings whilst we listen to masterpieces such as "fack"*
Donuthole I usually f*** with you but I dont even know what side youre arguing for with this post
Donuthole I usually f*** with you but I dont even know what side youre arguing for with this post
I was trying to point out how racist it sounds when people act like black people
a) don't have valid reasons to dislike eminem's music/image
b) are the only em haters thus white people who hate themselves run to be accepted by the black community who doesn't fuxk with em