  • Oct 8, 2020
    Emery Atreides

    Good list
    For me It’s

    1. Infinity War
    2. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
    3. Winter Solider
    4. Civil War
    5. Guardians of the Galaxy

    Not a bad list tbh

  • Oct 8, 2020

    Lol yea Peters dad >> Ronan i agree but i feel Drax's character isnt as good and alot of the jokes overall don't land like in the first one. Taser face joke had me cringing

    Yeah you’re right damn.

  • Oct 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Infinity war had better story telling it was what really we’re always wanting having different superhero’s interact with each other from different teams. Plus it being basically thanos story we finally got to know the character that was behind everything and kinda justify what he’s doing. Endgame was ending was emotional and the big battle was badass. But the whole movie just felt like they were trying to write themselves out of the hole they wrote themselves into in infinity war. And doing the whole time traveling thing was a easy way out. The whole second act you’re just like alright get infinity stones, so we can get to the third act what we really want to see.

  • Oct 8, 2020

    that’s a funny way to spell “spider-man 3”

  • Oct 8, 2020
    1 reply
    · edited

    Infinity War has the high-paced intensity but Endgame has the heart, the emotion and the heaviness of consequence. They're both classics but EG > IW. Give me a movie with 6 strong lead characters each of whom is given proper emotional resonance over the one about Thanos going to war with everyone to collect his rocks.

    And yes I also think it's better than Spider Man 2, etc. EG is the final chapter of a 22-movie arc, and you can only appreciate how fulfilling it is if you've followed along the rest of the MCU. But if you've done so then the payoff it delivers is so outstanding, and potentially unlike anything we'll ever see in cinema again. I don't think that Feige nor anyone else will be able to replicate this.

    I saw it in a packed theater and it was easily the most memorable theatrical experience I ever had. The gasps, the excitement, the tears. My god the tears. It was something else, looking around and seeing an entire room of comic fans damn near balling. Maybe that same kind of thing happened with the final Harry Potter movies, idk I mean I never watched those, but I doubt it matched the emotional response of EG.

    These gifs not really selling the film tbh

  • Oct 8, 2020

    There will be a time where i finally start watching the MCU films, when i run out of other films to watch

  • Oct 8, 2020

    These gifs not really selling the film tbh

    I just remember seeing endgame and being underwhelmed, compared to infinity war.

  • Oct 8, 2020

    Infinity War was better.

  • Oct 8, 2020
    Emery Atreides

    Good list
    For me It’s

    1. Infinity War
    2. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
    3. Winter Solider
    4. Civil War
    5. Guardians of the Galaxy

    Good list, close to mine.

  • Bigj713281

    Infinity war had better story telling it was what really we’re always wanting having different superhero’s interact with each other from different teams. Plus it being basically thanos story we finally got to know the character that was behind everything and kinda justify what he’s doing. Endgame was ending was emotional and the big battle was badass. But the whole movie just felt like they were trying to write themselves out of the hole they wrote themselves into in infinity war. And doing the whole time traveling thing was a easy way out. The whole second act you’re just like alright get infinity stones, so we can get to the third act what we really want to see.

    The whole second act you’re just like alright get infinity stones, so we can get to the third act what we really want to see.

    second act was pure fan service and i loved every second of it

    all of the things from the previous movies

  • it was like russo bros n feige jerking me off for following the mcu for 10 years

  • Apr 3, 2022

    Guardians 1 is the best

  • Apr 3, 2022

    I think it’s literally one of the worst ones tbh.

  • I really wish EG was a surprise drop & we had no clue there would be a part 2 to IW

    tbh better yet, it would’ve been dope if Marvel did like half a phase or more of movies dealing with consequences of IW

  • lock thread

  • The best Marvel movie is dogshit?

    Checks out

  • Apr 3, 2022

    GotG + vol 2
    Winter soldier
    Infinity war
    Iron man

    The only marvel films worth returning to

  • Apr 3, 2022

    Ragnarok is fun I guess but still pretty mid

  • PIMP 💿
    Apr 3, 2022
  • PIMP 💿
    Apr 3, 2022

    When Marvel fans die there's a post credits scene

  • Apr 3, 2022
    1 reply

    S*** is f***ing boring




  • Apr 3, 2022

    Hell no

  • Apr 3, 2022

    Winter Soldier , Civil War and Infinity War >>>