Nah there's elements of this album Blonde can't match so it's very possible one can relate to that more and feel it's better
People just love being different. Endless is not better than Blonde in any shape or form. I view endless as more of a means to an end than an actual legitimate body of work, not to say there aren’t great things about it but to compare the two is an exercise in attention whoring imo. Blonde was a statement. THE statement. Blonde was Frank saying this is why I’m the best at what I do. I assure you had Frank dropped Endless and nothing else that weekend, people’s opinion of this project would be vastly different imo.
It’s better than Blonde. I just vibe and relate to this one more. Plus it’s short as f*** love short albums and songs. Endless is in my top 10 albums of all time
I just wanted to troll you lol. Blonde is cool but Endless just game at the perfect time in my life. The writing on Blonde tho is god tier and I don’t even care about lyrics that much.
I assume cause he’d have to deal with Def Jam but who rly knows
This is 100% why lmao spiteful b******
Don't turn this into a Blonde vs Endless thread pls
it will forever be frank’s version of the OKC vs Kid A debate