I've gone a full year without an argument, then had a cataclysmic breakup on year 3
I've argued within the first 6 months then ended up together for 7 years
There are no rules or warning signs really s*** can go any way at any time
well yeah
i’m talking about probabilities/likelihoods/general averages
of course there are exceptions
Meanwhile I just had a convo with a woman telling me she expects a man to financially support her every step of the way while she brings no income but it’s okay because she looks good
I hate dating
it's tough out there, matter fact tough is an understatement
Meanwhile I just had a convo with a woman telling me she expects a man to financially support her every step of the way while she brings no income but it’s okay because she looks good
I hate dating
Basically my wife fml
it takes longer than that to find out if you’re truly compatible
5 months in you’ve barely had an argument
I don’t know, I think this is way too dependent on the individuals themselves. You can learn all sorts of things about people - true, deep, personal things about them and vice versa within the first few months depending on how your personalities and communication styles mesh
Meanwhile I just had a convo with a woman telling me she expects a man to financially support her every step of the way while she brings no income but it’s okay because she looks good
I hate dating
This might be cliche advice but don't give up or let yourself become jaded. The bad relationships make it easier for you to identify the good ones.
This might be cliche advice but don't give up or let yourself become jaded. The bad relationships make it easier for you to identify the good ones.
I've def met good women. It's just that the ones I find most attractive physically either got toxic ass viewpoints like this or are emotionally unavailable
I don’t know, I think this is way too dependent on the individuals themselves. You can learn all sorts of things about people - true, deep, personal things about them and vice versa within the first few months depending on how your personalities and communication styles mesh
yes but there are many more aspects to a relationship than knowing some intimate details about a person
My girl and I were crazy when we got together lmao. We started playing saying “Where the chapel at?” almost immediately
We had both been in long term relationships and knew we had found something really special.
We were only together 2 months when she stopped taking birth control
Around that same time we took a trip to Vegas and it was magic. We got back and within a couple weeks I booked us a weeklong trip to Barcelona the week of Valentines 2019. Both of our first trips outta the continent
I had never done anything like that. The girls I was with previously would always want to do s*** like that but I didn’t make much money and was always too frugal to make that kinda purchase and commitment.
We went to Barcelona and it was incredible. We cried in cathedrals. We walked through the nights. Danced in underground clubs, tried fantastic foods, and saw several Gaudí works. It was the best week of my life.
Month and a half later, we found out that she had gotten pregnant the first night we got back from that trip :)
The pregnancy wasn’t easy but our good synchronicity carried us through.
One day, a few months before she was due, we both decided to play hooky. We were feeling extra in love and cuddly and we just wanted to spend the day in bed together. We ate in bed, watched a movie, cuddled, and talked. At one point when she went to the bathroom, I grabbed the ring (it was her grandmothers and she had given it to me to propose when I was ready, so I had it on deck). She came back, we talked some more, smiled and kissed, and that’s when I did it.
I was pretty insecure about it for awhile because I know it’s not the over-the-top engagement story some people have..but it was a truly beautiful moment of love and our signature synchronicity haha..I couldn’t help myself
We’ve always had a great energy together. Most people assume we’re already married, her family knew right away that I was here to stay, and one of her aunts that I didn’t even know that well smiled at me and said “You two are so natural together, you’re like peas and carrots”
My girl and I were crazy when we got together lmao. We started playing saying “Where the chapel at?” almost immediately
We had both been in long term relationships and knew we had found something really special.
We were only together 2 months when she stopped taking birth control
Around that same time we took a trip to Vegas and it was magic. We got back and within a couple weeks I booked us a weeklong trip to Barcelona the week of Valentines 2019. Both of our first trips outta the continent
I had never done anything like that. The girls I was with previously would always want to do s*** like that but I didn’t make much money and was always too frugal to make that kinda purchase and commitment.
We went to Barcelona and it was incredible. We cried in cathedrals. We walked through the nights. Danced in underground clubs, tried fantastic foods, and saw several Gaudí works. It was the best week of my life.
Month and a half later, we found out that she had gotten pregnant the first night we got back from that trip :)
The pregnancy wasn’t easy but our good synchronicity carried us through.
One day, a few months before she was due, we both decided to play hooky. We were feeling extra in love and cuddly and we just wanted to spend the day in bed together. We ate in bed, watched a movie, cuddled, and talked. At one point when she went to the bathroom, I grabbed the ring (it was her grandmothers and she had given it to me to propose when I was ready, so I had it on deck). She came back, we talked some more, smiled and kissed, and that’s when I did it.
I was pretty insecure about it for awhile because I know it’s not the over-the-top engagement story some people have..but it was a truly beautiful moment of love and our signature synchronicity haha..I couldn’t help myself
We’ve always had a great energy together. Most people assume we’re already married, her family knew right away that I was here to stay, and one of her aunts that I didn’t even know that well smiled at me and said “You two are so natural together, you’re like peas and carrots”
That's beautiful man. Having a close and intimate story like that is nothing to be embarrassed about as long as it's meaningful to you and her. How long have you been together now?
That's beautiful man. Having a close and intimate story like that is nothing to be embarrassed about as long as it's meaningful to you and her. How long have you been together now?
5 years this August, getting married on our 5th anniversary!
I proposed within 3mos. Heck, 1-2mos in to our relationship we got drunk one night and planned out our wedding. I just knew it in my bones that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this woman, and I knew she felt the same. The first couple weeks we were together we ain't get no sleep, neither of us could come down from the high. It was like the most positive delirium I had ever experienced. Anyway...
We were in Rome (after having gone to Barcelona to watch the MotoGP race at catalunya) and we walked into this artisan workshop one day where they had all sorts of jewelry. I took a mental note of what size ring fit her ring finger and later went back and got the ring I would propose with. It was cheap. Real cheap. Tiny band with one tiny emerald.
The next evening we went for a walk, I was thinking the Trevi fountain would be The Spot but when we got there it was just so busy! So many people. I wanted some intimacy so I suggested we just keep walking and enjoy the sights. We ended up at this quiet piazza with one big spire in the center. Very few people. I got just behind her giving her with my arm at her side and made a remark about the very top of the spire, trying to get her to look up at the top like there was something important up there. As she looked up I took a step back and got on one knee so that when she turned around there I would be. Almost before I could even ask the question she shouted yes in the most happy way I have ever heard. (sidenote, there was a man from Spain who saw the proposal and he came over and just had to say something, share in the moment, i'll never forget how kind his face was)
After we called our friends and family and told them the news I began to feel self conscious about the ring and how plain and small it was and I said "I'm going to get you a real engagement ring that you feel like you can show off to everyone when we return home."
Luckily we were going to Florence later in our trip. Ponte Vecchio called my name, known for its gold and jewelry I just knew it would be the spot where I would get the ring she deserved. After nearly two hours of looking around I insisted that I get her this ring even though she protested that it was too expensive. (it wasn't)
She now happily wears that ring, her wedding band, and a platinum five year anniversary ring (custom commission) every day of her life. Our time traveling in Europe absolutely intoxicated with love ranks among the best stretches of time in my entire life.
tldr per @lil_ufo request: went to Rome, bought s*** ring, proposed and she said yes, bought blessed ring in Florence, the end
Thread giving me ideas tbfh
Been with my girl basically a year, officially for 5 months.
We’ve even talked about it a little bit, she’s routinely said I’m the best man she’s ever known.
Got a trip to Positano (she’s Italian, home for her) planned summer of this year, I think ima do it.
Think ima do it then, never loved someone and felt as comfortable in my life. She’s the woman I wanna start a family with
Idk who bumped this thread, but seeing the notification and the like on this made me super sad lol.
We broke up in February and haven’t spoken since
lol @ thinkin about marriage after 5 months
If you’re dating just to fk around you don’t talk about serious things, sure buddy.
But in your later 20s/ early 30s you should be having those convos earlier on.
If you’re dating just to fk around you don’t talk about serious things, sure buddy.
But in your later 20s/ early 30s you should be having those convos earlier on.
Dude if you're in your late 20s or early 30s if you're wifing b****es within 5 months you're just marriage hungry. You guys sound like people that dont have s*** to share.
Everybody spending time to vet their partner isnt just "Fucking around". Lol You already proposed and out a relationship. You might wanna evaluate how you start moving. @ this rate you already proposing & taking Ls lol you went to Italy lmao
My girl and I were crazy when we got together lmao. We started playing saying “Where the chapel at?” almost immediately
We had both been in long term relationships and knew we had found something really special.
We were only together 2 months when she stopped taking birth control
Around that same time we took a trip to Vegas and it was magic. We got back and within a couple weeks I booked us a weeklong trip to Barcelona the week of Valentines 2019. Both of our first trips outta the continent
I had never done anything like that. The girls I was with previously would always want to do s*** like that but I didn’t make much money and was always too frugal to make that kinda purchase and commitment.
We went to Barcelona and it was incredible. We cried in cathedrals. We walked through the nights. Danced in underground clubs, tried fantastic foods, and saw several Gaudí works. It was the best week of my life.
Month and a half later, we found out that she had gotten pregnant the first night we got back from that trip :)
The pregnancy wasn’t easy but our good synchronicity carried us through.
One day, a few months before she was due, we both decided to play hooky. We were feeling extra in love and cuddly and we just wanted to spend the day in bed together. We ate in bed, watched a movie, cuddled, and talked. At one point when she went to the bathroom, I grabbed the ring (it was her grandmothers and she had given it to me to propose when I was ready, so I had it on deck). She came back, we talked some more, smiled and kissed, and that’s when I did it.
I was pretty insecure about it for awhile because I know it’s not the over-the-top engagement story some people have..but it was a truly beautiful moment of love and our signature synchronicity haha..I couldn’t help myself
We’ve always had a great energy together. Most people assume we’re already married, her family knew right away that I was here to stay, and one of her aunts that I didn’t even know that well smiled at me and said “You two are so natural together, you’re like peas and carrots”
God send me a brown woman like this please
Dude if you're in your late 20s or early 30s if you're wifing b****es within 5 months you're just marriage hungry. You guys sound like people that dont have s*** to share.
Everybody spending time to vet their partner isnt just "Fucking around". Lol You already proposed and out a relationship. You might wanna evaluate how you start moving. @ this rate you already proposing & taking Ls lol you went to Italy lmao
Mfs that dont have s*** to split and everything to gain always rush into marriage lol
That mf there might wanna spend more time "fucking around" next time. She already dumped him.
Mfs that dont have s*** to split and everything to gain always rush into marriage lol
That mf there might wanna spend more time "fucking around" next time. She already dumped him.
you actually got me laughin out loud rn
that everything to gain observation is hilarious
Mfs that dont have s*** to split and everything to gain always rush into marriage lol
That mf there might wanna spend more time "fucking around" next time. She already dumped him.
Breh you’re a loser lmao
I knew her over a year, we were official for 5 months.
I promise I got waaaaaay more s*** going on than you lol.
A year+ of knowing someone and being a couple basically is a good enough amount of time.
I broke up with her, but it doesn’t mean it was easy and s***.
And yeah Italy and traveling the world is pretty f***ing nice. You sound broke lmao
Dude if you're in your late 20s or early 30s if you're wifing b****es within 5 months you're just marriage hungry. You guys sound like people that dont have s*** to share.
Everybody spending time to vet their partner isnt just "Fucking around". Lol You already proposed and out a relationship. You might wanna evaluate how you start moving. @ this rate you already proposing & taking Ls lol you went to Italy lmao
“Proposing and taking L’s lol you went to Italy”
Never proposed, and only in the eyes of a perennial keyboard jockey would traveling to a top 10 destination be seen as an L
Breh you’re a loser lmao
I knew her over a year, we were official for 5 months.
I promise I got waaaaaay more s*** going on than you lol.
A year+ of knowing someone and being a couple basically is a good enough amount of time.
I broke up with her, but it doesn’t mean it was easy and s***.
And yeah Italy and traveling the world is pretty f***ing nice. You sound broke lmao
Lmao, clearly that touched your soul...
I'm the loser? -- but you're rushing to marriage only to get dumped lol you shouldnt be calling anybody a loser just like you shouldn't be in here tryna give advice.
Lmao, look at you. You don't know what I have going on but peep this. I been with my b**** for 8 years. I know you don't have that going on...
Lastly, going to Italy doesn't make you NOT broke lmao. Everybody traveling lol Me and my girl have traveled to Canada, Greece, Japan, Mexico and NZ. TOGETHER btw lol you in this b**** crying about a b**** that aint talked to you in half a year lol
“Proposing and taking L’s lol you went to Italy”
Never proposed, and only in the eyes of a perennial keyboard jockey would traveling to a top 10 destination be seen as an L
Lol I'm a keyboard jockey but you mad right now and picking out s*** I said to make a narrative to help you cope lol
Where did I say going to Italy was an L? YOU ARE THE L tf.
You sound like you never been anywhere in your life til you went to Italy & now its the only interesting thing you have to talk about to people lmao Traveling like everyone else doesn't make you interesting fam(Which you probably thought and clearly she didn't), especially traveling to try and meet a broad parents and get a blessing
Cry me a river man. You been crying since Feb. Make a thread for lonely mfs. This ain't yo lane.