people cancelling hannibal for becoming a landlord was stupid af
requisite ziwe clip
Random but I don’t think they rock with each other anymore. I remember seeing Hannibal don’t follow bruh on ig
Random but I don’t think they rock with each other anymore. I remember seeing Hannibal don’t follow bruh on ig
I don’t think so either, I wonder what happened
Show has been bad without Hannibal as co host, first 3 seasons were special
Man the latest season had me in tears every episode. I feel like that might be one of the best seasons of the show ever
Random but I don’t think they rock with each other anymore. I remember seeing Hannibal don’t follow bruh on ig
daaamnnn they had a model bromance happening
hannibal buress talking about getting a jaywalking ticket in montreal is one of the best stand up bits oat as far as im concerned
His first 2 albums are classics