wanna pick baby pluto but P2 takes me back to when i first heard xo tour life damn...
don't normally care for these but wanted to say anyone who voted for pop over secure the bag should be glassed
Baby Pluto - 22 votes
P2 - 6 votes
Baby Pluto adavances.
Quote list:
@husky @Coffee_Nerd @stars @babybreaux @Failn_chill @bronbron @oldmanwilli @hayabusa @real_mccoy6 @Serenity @Killa_K @Spacely @TIIMMY_BURNER @Jus_Saiyan @Vlonely @Banana_Clip @Slingshot @woahuhyeah @Stillness @deepsleep @02Shaq @jeans @Bill_Bellamy @Blade @Jerry_Seinfeld @ragedsycokiller @fourtwothree @Consumed @BlackSlug @WHaaaT @Slimane @Magenta @justwantyandhi
The two options for the next round are now available.
Quote this to vote for PRICES to advance.
prices is probs only song i would think about going to now
Quote this to vote for BIGGER THAN LIFE to advance.