  • Jan 11
    8 replies

    Instead of trying to kill CEOs because you are filled with envy why not work hard to become a CEO yourself and become rich as well?

  • never heard a song in my life but i’m a fan now

  • She real

  • Jan 11
    1 reply

    Instead of trying to kill CEOs because you are filled with envy why not work hard to become a CEO yourself and become rich as well?


  • Avalanche

    Instead of trying to kill CEOs because you are filled with envy why not work hard to become a CEO yourself and become rich as well?

    i’d like you to die to

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Jan 11
    1 reply

  • Jan 11

    Instead of trying to kill CEOs because you are filled with envy why not work hard to become a CEO yourself and become rich as well?

    Because then Ethel Cain would hunt me down? Moron.

  • OP
    Jan 11
    1 reply


    Bro really said it like it’s an attainable goal like a drivers license

  • Jan 11

    She right
    I’m in favor of more bored rich white boys radicalizing for the greater good while I accumulate more PTO. Let them
    Niggas take all the risk so I can reap all the rewards. It’s time

  • Jan 11
    2 replies

    Bro really said it like it’s an attainable goal like a drivers license

    Everything is attainable with the right drive, attitude and work ethic. Sorry you lack optimism and the good qualities required to reach the highest calibre of business. But just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean you should call for the deaths of people who can and did.

  • Why don't we hunt down millionaires like Ethel Cain too

  • lil ufo

  • Sheesh

  • We were cooked the moment companies were given the right to free speech through donations

  • Jan 12
    1 reply

    Hate that "violence is not the answer" bs cause why does Western society resort to it around the world in the name of supremacy? It's the answer when they destabilise Africa, the middle east and countless other regions of the world lol

    Abusers will always ask you for more compassion than they ever thought of giving you! Rich people teach us this "Love will conquer everything" crap to subdue us and excuse their violence

  • Jan 12

    Everything is attainable with the right drive, attitude and work ethic. Sorry you lack optimism and the good qualities required to reach the highest calibre of business. But just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean you should call for the deaths of people who can and did.

    Are you actually sorry

  • Jan 12

    Instead of trying to kill CEOs because you are filled with envy why not work hard to become a CEO yourself and become rich as well?

    This an ironic bait post right lol

  • Shayarahlah

    Hate that "violence is not the answer" bs cause why does Western society resort to it around the world in the name of supremacy? It's the answer when they destabilise Africa, the middle east and countless other regions of the world lol

    Abusers will always ask you for more compassion than they ever thought of giving you! Rich people teach us this "Love will conquer everything" crap to subdue us and excuse their violence

    I saw this tweet that said that they suspect that that is the reason why so many pieces of media do the “you can’t kill them, you’ll be just like them” trope; to brainwash the public away from revolution.
    I agree though, it’s a bullshit false equivalency, and it has been shown time and time again that the rich will take actions that cause pain and death for the poor without a second thought.

  • So she said as she releases a new album and not when this topic was trending last month

  • in case of a federal investigation

  • “the world is burning and it's very clear who's holding the

  • Jan 12
    5 replies
  • Pazuzu Artist

    Her music is pretentious.

    This is always such a weak criticism of music, lazy

  • Jan 12
    3 replies

    Thats cool but she not finna personally do it lmaoo


    Not sure what point youre trying to make here. Nobody advocates for random lone wolf violence. Only organized, collective class violence led by a People’s Army is capable of doing what needs to be done.

    It is good to advocate for “politics by other means” in order to normalize the idea and expand peoples imagination of what is politically possible so that we can hopefully do just that in the future. You don’t need to be - nor should you be - a crash out to do this.

  • Avalanche

    Instead of trying to kill CEOs because you are filled with envy why not work hard to become a CEO yourself and become rich as well?

    why don’t you jump in front of a train