its the same bullshit that americans get to circlejerk and call each other ex-pats rather than immigrants
nationalism is a scourge upon humanity
You know what f*** it ima call myself an Ethiopian expat from now on
its the same bullshit that americans get to circlejerk and call each other ex-pats rather than immigrants
nationalism is a scourge upon humanity
Funniest thing is pol users fantasizing about moving to japan
Funniest thing is pol users fantasizing about moving to japan
Hello Turkish expat
Funniest thing is pol users fantasizing about moving to japan
Everybody itt making it about Americacs vs Eurocacs put on a list and will be properly re-educated when the global south and the internally colonized peoples rise up btw
Hard af
Westerners think it's a choice between integration vs retaining ties to their cultural of origin, it's the exact opposite really
Whites in every country ain’t s*** basically
Well you gotta justify all that colonizing somehow
Hard to do so when you fully acknowledge their humanity
Didnt read OP but as someone of europe, at least talking about my country he is right
People here arent welcoming and are very racist of people coming from África, specially moroccans. They are also very weird with people with really dark skin, they usually say s*** like, they arent marroquis, they are one of the good ones
As a black person born here, it makes me so uncomfortable how racist they can get
And that's integrating their immigrants, by a wide margin as well
If you look at immigrant populations from the same countries with similar socioeconomic backgrounds, education level and whatever else, they'll have a lot more success than the same demographics in the US than in European countries and also a greater sense of belonging to the country they migrated to.
I'm Ethiopian and looking my own family and the broader Ethiopian diaspora and the difference between those in the US and in Europe is night and day, even though they're all mostly from the upper class of Ethiopian society and even more highly educated than most white Europeans or Americans.
Now much of that is for all the wrong reasons, settler colonialism gives the US a much less rigid national identity in which immigrants can fit in more easily, and it also comes with some cultural erasure, people lose touch with their culture back home more often in the US than Europe, but taking everything into account, people from the global south will usually do much better in the US than in Europe and it's really not even close.
I've noticed this myself within the Pakistani community. Pakistanis here in America are much more wealthier, educated and better integrated than the ones in Europe... especially those in the U.K.
British Pakistanis a different breed.. way too conservative compared to Pakistanis here in US
It's always the most arbitrary s*** too
They allow Mickey Mouse degrees within EU but don't allow barely anything from Asia or Africa
You'll hear engineers drive taxis because of it
my dad was a civil engineer and mom was a gym teacher in india and when we moved to Canada they couldn’t find any jobs other than factories smh
so true
my homie from London was talking about how much of a difference there is between immigrants in London and immigrants in Canada/America, immigrants in London retain their culture and original identity way better than their NA counterparts. like he said u ask someone in London where they're from and they'll tell you their "roots", but ask someone where they're from in North America and they'll say their regional city or state
as xenophobic as Canada may be tho least were not as crazy as the mfs in Europe who want to protect muh bloodline so kinda glad i wasnt raised in that s***ty ass continent
London an exception though probably the most international city itw