People that don't watch him and hate on him call him a 'Nazi'.
This stems from him doing a video where he promoted videos he enjoyed recently on YouTube. He promotes one video that he found funny which is completely innocent but unfortunately the channel also had some anti-semitic stuff on it that PewDiePie didn't see/realise so everyone says he's a Nazi. He took the video down once he realised the channel was racist.
pls don’t try to bring additional info to any discussion ever this is music sxn
also dis youtuber turned rapper s*** has been a weirdly longstanding yet uncomfortable trend
why are there PewDiePie stans on this site
Of course they’re all anime avys too
look at how he runs away from destiny
I only watch guitar videos on Youtube. Have actually been watching a lot of Excel too today!
Yeah it is disgusting he did that. I see it more as a slipup than anything tbh. If I'm not wrong, his editor is black?
Bro just know anyone who ‘accidentally’ says the n word is 100% racist and they accidentally acted how they would with their gang of racists
Pewdiepie is a stupid cracker and the fact OP is calling him “pewds” is making me think he’s one too
of all the things to call him that was the first thing that came into his head
Pewdiepie is a stupid cracker and the fact OP is calling him “pewds” is making me think he’s one too
weird to get upset at me calling him Pewds.