I’m not sure if relationship dynamics have always been like this but I’m sick of the gender wars man. Feel like it gets worse every year too. Pretty soon both sexes gonna resort to dating Tesla bots.
I’m not sure if relationship dynamics have always been like this but I’m sick of the gender wars man. Feel like it gets worse every year too. Pretty soon both sexes gonna resort to dating Tesla bots.
Worst situation is in South Korea. You have extreme hatred on both sides. My fears is we will get that in the West as well.
I feel like I’m better looking, granted I’m not 6’4
I wouldn’t say he’s like next level handsome, just hipster af looking
Growing a mustache is life changing. At first you gonna feel like a creep and then you gonna eventually start doing okay with women.
I think more men with no dating experience and even 0 interactions with women are having hateful views. men be letting social media and dating "gurus" warp their perception.
I think more men with no dating experience and even 0 interactions with women are having hateful views. men be letting social media and dating "gurus" warp their perception.
I think more men with no dating experience and even 0 interactions with women are having hateful views. men be letting social media and dating "gurus" warp their perception.
My roommate can pull girls no problem. I don’t get how cause this nigga got no redeeming qualities, smells like a wet ash tray, and got crayola yellow teeth. But I have never met someone who has hated women irl more than him. But i’d say people like him outliers.
Growing a mustache is life changing. At first you gonna feel like a creep and then you gonna eventually start doing okay with women.
I have a whole beard lol
Most dating apps are straight up for white people lmao your area could be 50% white and it'll be 90% white girls
lmao yo but deadass
its threads like this that make me think i cant just lead a normal life FOH
This literally everything in life
People have bad experiences with one black person, they don’t like black people
People have a bad experience in a retail job, hate all retail jobs
I’m not saying it’s right but this a common thing
I mean on the other hand we have dudes who will literally get on their knees for anyone that breathes in their direction so it balances out in a way
Like equilibrium.
Which is facts. Can’t have one without the other
U not going round w this cisgender straight man bullshit & niggas get banned for breathing while a fat b**** is crying
I mean s*** man, there are some cold-blooded people out there that can mentally f*** you up with their actions and that goes for both genders. One wrong run-in with one of those people can really put a bad taste in a persons mouth.
Is it right to cast an umbrellas on an entire gender because of it? Hell no, but I've had some experiences that definitely could have made me a hateful person but I had to work through it.
That hard work isn't up everyone's alley.
everyone is playing the game as presented. it’s about having the courage to transcend the game
Mfs get ghosted by a girl one time and all of a sudden they start googling "wage gap debunked" and s***
Niggas see their crush fall for a "chad" and start talking about why women that get abortions are murderers
It's weird af bro
But the wage gap has been debunked lol
everyone is playing the game as presented. it’s about having the courage to transcend the game
Your avi is adorable
But the wage gap has been debunked lol
Is that what you really took away from his post?