Every time I look in the mirror I'm like damb I should really splatter my brains across the wall for being so ugly and disgusting
Anyone else relate?
Mate these self deprecating threads are not gonna help you out of the rut your currently in. Instead of making threads about it, resolve to make changes TODAY.
umm yeah bro maybe stop looking in mirrors and please seek the professional mental guidance we have been telling you to for the past months
Mate these self deprecating threads are not gonna help you out of the rut your currently in. Instead of making threads about it, resolve to make changes TODAY.
I can do both lmao
Not that either really helps
I can do both lmao
Not that either really helps
constantly berating yourself for no reason to a bunch of strangers helps nothing
constantly berating yourself for no reason to a bunch of strangers helps nothing
I actually deserve that tho
ngl last year when i'd cross the street and see all these cars i'd think damn one hit and all my responsabilities are gone
You need a ban