Don't be ashamed; we are all humans who have desires and want to accomplish things in our lifetimes.
don't u dare for a second let someone convince you're not able to accomplish your dream.
Tell us what yours is (even if u joking, u a comedian, that becomes ur dream if u clownin ITT)
What's your dream(s) to accomplish in your lifetime?
i wish i had very successful youtube channel where i can help ppl who have been as low as me and also share ways i think we can treat each other better
Tell us what yours is (even if u joking, u a comedian, that becomes ur dream if u clownin ITT)
i wish i had very successful youtube channel where i can help ppl who have been as low as me and also share ways i think we can treat each other better
Do it. If you really tryna help people for sure you might be able to reach one person atleast
Tell us what yours is (even if u joking, u a comedian, that becomes ur dream if u clownin ITT)
Do it. If you really tryna help people for sure you might be able to reach one person atleast
im scared to put myself out there
writer/director/producer for film and tv maybe some music videos for my fav artists like Paul Thomas Anderson does sometime.
To live and enjoy life tbh
only u can be u. that sounds dumb af on a forum but for real. no one else can be u
writer/director/producer for film and tv maybe some music videos for my fav artists like Paul Thomas Anderson does sometime.
That's hard
That's hard
Feel like i'm on the right track to, was working at one of the major studios til COVIDd shutdown but that just gave me more time to write more scripts. Listening to Kanye music when writing would reccomend
only u can be u. that sounds dumb af on a forum but for real. no one else can be u
Used to think I was living aimlessly bc I didn’t have a true “purpose” or whatever like people say you’re supposed to
Then went through more experiences that made me realize f*** having a purpose as long as your purpose is living your own life and enjoying yourself and building experiences
To buy my boys what they want. Only reason why I hustled and became the man I am today is to give back. Nothing brings me as much happiness compared to giving back.
Find a reason to justify my existence.
Peep my post bro
Enjoyment is a worthwhile justification for your existence
You don’t need some existential reason to be here. Just enjoy your time that you have as best as you can
Feel like i'm on the right track to, was working at one of the major studios til COVIDd shutdown but that just gave me more time to write more scripts. Listening to Kanye music when writing would reccomend
I feel that, obv we're on Kanyetothe 2, even though he's on some s***, Kanye's made some of the most confident popular hip-hop music and continued to persevere through societal ridicule, one can only respect such a survival instinct, and be inspired by at least his earlier work if not the whole discog
Find a reason to justify my existence.
f*** your haters and detractors u bout to make em wish they f***ed with u when u accomplish what you're destined to
I feel that, obv we're on Kanyetothe 2, even though he's on some s***, Kanye's made some of the most confident popular hip-hop music and continued to persevere through societal ridicule, one can only respect such a survival instinct, and be inspired by at least his earlier work if not the whole discog
It sounds crazy but I've had absolute belief in myself to pull of goals and seeing Kanyes crazy belief in himself inspired that
It sounds crazy but I've had absolute belief in myself to pull of goals and seeing Kanyes crazy belief in himself inspired that
thats best case scenario w kanye and any music, to let the inspiration inspire u to live your best life
To buy my boys what they want. Only reason why I hustled and became the man I am today is to give back. Nothing brings me as much happiness compared to giving back.
I feel this. All I want is to make giant leaps in dollar figures, more and more every year to help the people around me and to secure my niece’s future.
do ya damn dream, shut up and f***ing work on it
do ya damn dream, shut up and f***ing work on it
a lot of us (myself included) talk a lot but dont really go for it
Used to think I was living aimlessly bc I didn’t have a true “purpose” or whatever like people say you’re supposed to
Then went through more experiences that made me realize f*** having a purpose as long as your purpose is living your own life and enjoying yourself and building experiences
The purpose of life is fulfillment, any means to reach that end is valid as long as you don’t intend to impede and negatively affect others pursuit. Do what makes you happy 🙏🏾