Ain’t No Time
In Her Mouth
Xanny Family
Lil Haiti Baby
Photo Copied
Seven Rings
Lie To Me
Low Life
Fly S**t Only
12/12 tracklist
Flow is on point
Production is dark/moody. Fits the vibe perfectly
fly sht only my fav future song
Been saying this it’s one of his best albums imo can’t believe it’s even slept on
There’s no actual misses and the highs are very high
Seven Rings, Lil Haiti Baby, and Lie To Me are top tier Future songs
to me it’s the last future album before he went through a creative lull
completely agree
Fly S*** Only amazing and Low Life right before it?? Fire project I got mad lucky with the vinyl for this album paid $12 for it
to me it’s the last future album before he went through a creative lull
I agree even though some of his best songs are on Future and Hndrxx