Evolution takes millions of years and is often a response to a change in environment
Evolution takes millions of years and is often a response to a change in environment
How has tech advanced this far and humans haven’t
The next step of human evolution is merging technology with humans.
What if bitcoin was the first step?
Can someone proper explain to me the bitcoin religion?
some really cannot wait for the singularity, when we all become equally perfect, as if that was why we needed to be here
Some may say it mooo’d the industry forward.
Is this a Moolah reference
"if evolutions real"
please explain to me if its real and has been going on for billions of years how come there is nophysical evidence of evolution other than books written by lab coat preachers?
please explain to me if its real and has been going on for billions of years how come there is nophysical evidence of evolution other than books written by lab coat preachers?
Poodles look nothing like wolves but through selective breeding they exist. This is observed fact. So why is it such a leap to believe that some animal groups have common ancestors
Transhumanism, will it happen?
It will soon
I don’t think it’s evolution. Evolution in my mind for humanity would be have a better focus as a whole
The next step of human evolution is merging technology with humans.
or is that the next step of technological evolution