niggas be grown ass men going through thread looking for any reason to blame the woman NO. MATTER. what the topic is.
Just losers man.
Youre a f***ing moron
Nah id never forgive my mother if she was with someone who molested me. I know everything someone posts on ktt means said user hates women to yall bozos
Well I'm sorry but your take on this is stupid asl
Well I'm sorry but your take on this is stupid asl
What makes u think i give a s*** about your opinion
What makes u think i give a s*** about your opinion
OK ? I don't give a f*** I can say whatever I want
Nah id never forgive my mother if she was with someone who molested me. I know everything someone posts on ktt means said user hates women to yall bozos
Ofcourse we resort to avi posting after the "he hates women meme" doesnt work. Bozo
Ofcourse we resort to avi posting after the "he hates women meme" doesnt work. Bozo
This posts energy
See how much yall care about this? At the end of the day its just memes and jokes to yall who pretend to care lol
See how much yall care about this? At the end of the day its just memes and jokes to yall who pretend to care lol
Bro shut tf up you came itt to post clown s***
Ofcourse we resort to avi posting after the "he hates women meme" doesnt work. Bozo
irony thats exactly why I posted it.
You jumped into a thread about a kid getting molested by her ex and you found a way to blame his mom. That's a fact.
That's clown actions from a mod. That's a fact.
You are a loser. That's a fact.
Eat a d***.
How can u see a child and their mother suffering because of the actions of a pervert like this and blame the mom especially if she wasn't a participant in the abuse
where tf yall reading about the screws?
irony thats exactly why I posted it.
You jumped into a thread about a kid getting molested by her ex and you found a way to blame his mom. That's a fact.
That's clown actions from a mod. That's a fact.
You are a loser. That's a fact.
Eat a d***.
If my dad brought a woman home who molested me Id say f*** my dad too. Parents are responsible for the safety of their children. Grow the f*** up instead of trying to make a meme out of everything u f***ing weirdo. Being a mod doesnt change anything, i can still post my thoughts like you can
Nah id never forgive my mother if she was with someone who molested me. I know everything someone posts on ktt means said user hates women to yall bozos
Why you focusing on his mum. She hasn't done anything in this situation. Blame the guy who done it.
If my dad brought a woman home who molested me Id say f*** my dad too. Parents are responsible for the safety of their children. Grow the f*** up instead of trying to make a meme out of everything u f***ing weirdo. Being a mod doesnt change anything, i can still post my thoughts like you can
Sometimes u trust people ans they turn out to be terrible behind the surface, the mom clearly wasn't aware of whzt was going on, which is something that happens in most case of abuse, most of the time people aren't even aware of things going on
electric chair
we put some screws up his ass first tho
Why you focusing on his mum. She hasn't done anything in this situation. Blame the guy who done it.
Because she shoulda read his mind as soon as she met him bro lol.
@thankmelater confirmed Xavier from X Men.
Why you focusing on his mum. She hasn't done anything in this situation. Blame the guy who done it.
My original post itt was:
F*** doodoo lo and f*** the mother too for being with someone like this
Im not focussing on the mom. Some weirdos just trying to make it seem like I hate women
Sometimes u trust people ans they turn out to be terrible behind the surface, the mom clearly wasn't aware of whzt was going on, which is something that happens in most case of abuse, most of the time people aren't even aware of things going on
Thats all facts. And I honestly i didnt know if she stayed with him after finding out cause the info in OP is so little. If she left him immediately when she found out and didnt get back to him she handled it very correctly
Thats all facts. And I honestly i didnt know if she stayed with him after finding out cause the info in OP is so little. If she left him immediately when she found out and didnt get back to him she handled it very correctly
She does say he's her ex so that shows she didn't stay with him, she's not responsible for him being a deranged creep