niggas know I'm legit
real. fw you heavily for this
why do u fw me heavily for it
for not pretending to be black
pic is from when @sense or @rwina asked for pics when it was a hot night and I expressed I was in my boxers, still I got it to them
pic is from when @sense or @rwina asked for pics when it was a hot night and I expressed I was in my boxers, still I got it to them
pic is from when @sense or @rwina asked for pics when it was a hot night and I expressed I was in my boxers, still I got it to them
Frank Ocean eskkk (forgot how to spell that but you know what i mean)
Frank Ocean eskkk (forgot how to spell that but you know what i mean)
esque, brother
esque, brother
You sure? I think eskkk might be right now that I’m thinking about it tbh
If we ban everyone who's pretending to be black, ktt will lose 75% of its users
hispanics ITT finding perfect lighting to make their hands 2 shades darker
If we ban everyone who's pretending to be black, ktt will lose 75% of its users
S bout to be in shambles
You sure? I think eskkk might be right now that I’m thinking about it tbh
Naw it's esque