  • Jun 4, 2020

    They said ex


  • Jun 4, 2020

    Gonna post itt and why

  • Jun 4, 2020
    1 reply

    I was kinda homophobic til like 14 yrs old

    What changed was that i matured

  • Jun 4, 2020
    3 replies
    Scratchin Mamba

    I was kinda homophobic til like 14 yrs old

    What changed was that i matured

    I remember you. The way you insulted me over playstation 2 still stuck with me. No way you could of changed.

  • Jun 4, 2020

    this is a sad thread

    Derailed thread*

  • Jokes aside, this thread has run its course. I will be locking it now.

  • Jun 4, 2020

    this is lies lmao don't get it f***ed up

    no lies here lol ive never understood how u can see someone being racist and think cool im gunna be racist

  • Jun 4, 2020

    Interesting what kind of people you grow up around? More racists or more progressive people?

    i grew up around racists and homophobes my whole life as a middle eastern. my social circle had some questionable opinions as well but all that has been cut out now

  • Jun 4, 2020
    the reds

    As kids you're pretty impressionable. If you see something portrayed one way for a long amount of time and do not actively question then you will end up believing it. For me, my role models (my mom and my older cousins) always made racist jokes about asians and the media I consumed reinforced their racist stereotypes so I found myself discriminating against them in small ways and making weird jokes about them even when I might've been friends with some.

    i hear that. as kids we tend to think things arent as serious as they really are and thinking back i allowed a lot of f***ed up s*** to be said because i was unaware of the history behind certain things. knowledge is power tho

  • Jun 4, 2020
    2 replies

    If I’ve understood what ur saying here correctly, then yes you do have a problem with gay people


    That s*** doesn't fly in the hood at all

  • Jun 4, 2020
    1 reply


    That s*** doesn't fly in the hood at all

    Difference between it not being accepted in your community vs you not accepting it.

  • Jun 4, 2020


    That s*** doesn't fly in the hood at all

    Not saying it does, just didn’t seem like the right thread for this conversation

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Jun 4, 2020
    · edited

    i was rlly racist up until i was like 16, i was so wack cause i listened to rap music but for some reason i was racist?? idk it was like 10 years ago now but we all have said some dumb s*** on xbox live back in the day but i recall being rlly bad,

    i made my first black friend in summer school one day, i just randomly sat beside him in the lunch room, i had never gone to school or been around black kids but me and him always showed eachother new music and would talk about hoes and skateboarding and s***,

    then he left my school randomly one day , bro didnt have a cellphone so i was never able to keep in touch,

    i love you tyrell, you changed my life man

  • Jun 4, 2020
    Abandoned Account

    I remember you. The way you insulted me over playstation 2 still stuck with me. No way you could of changed.

  • Jun 4, 2020
    the reds

    Difference between it not being accepted in your community vs you not accepting it.

    I accept it but I'm DEFINITELY not going to try to change the mind of men in the hood

  • Jun 4, 2020

    The only way you could stand up for someone gay in the hood is if they had a formidable posse.

    Other than that it's asking to get beat up and branded

  • Jun 4, 2020
    dat guy

    I'm from some cartel ridden s***hole.

    The way I see it, they have the choice to move right like everybody else, white people ITT tryna oversimplify s*** and act its the same as being black, like black people have the choice to be invisible.

    Truth of the matter is, if white people ITT ever get themselves in prison, they gonna take all the s*** back for the exact same reasons.

    There's plenty of openly gay people in our environment, at night and depending on the situation, everyone needs to move accordingly though.

    No one is saying it’s the same thing as being black, or that your viewpoint is wrong. I totally agree with the fact that there are many places where being openly gay or being friendly with people who are gay puts you in serious danger. Gun crime is rare in my country and area but serious assaults, stabbings, and occasional murders for this type of thing are unfortunately not - homophobia is a pretty universal thing so don’t agree that this is something white people wouldn’t understand.

    The point was that in this specific thread, phrasing that how you did seemed off, and would be the same thing as an “ex-racist” coming in here saying I have no problem with black people but I don’t want them tryna associate with me cos people in my are won’t like that

  • Jun 4, 2020
    Abandoned Account

    I remember you. The way you insulted me over playstation 2 still stuck with me. No way you could of changed.

    cryin that nigga 14?

  • Jun 4, 2020
    1 reply

    You’re a special kind of stupid bro. You’ve come into thread about what changed your mind from being racist / homophobic and basically announced you’re “not homophobic” but effectively have a problem with openly gay people.

    And now ur tryna say the problem is on the OP?

    Even worse later on you’re saying your attitude is cos in your hood being gay is a problem. How is that any different to someone white not supporting black people rn cos their neighbourhood is super MAGA?

    "No one is saying it’s the same thing as being black"

  • Jun 4, 2020

    there's a reason I'm tryna dodge the conversation with certain people, I know how it goes

  • Jun 4, 2020
    Abandoned Account

    I remember you. The way you insulted me over playstation 2 still stuck with me. No way you could of changed.


  • Jun 4, 2020

    I was homophobic in middle and high school.

    One reason was this gay dude in the neighborhood used to say innaproatie things to me all the time. Won't go into detail, and lastly because everyone picked on another gay dude who was meek. Including me.

    I was a horrible person, probably still am.

    What changed it was when I made a comment on a gay couple my uncle who is 50+ went off on me.

    Then I realized how twisted my mind was, he said "You can't hate people for them being who they are!"

    Except with lots of cursing and yelling mixed in

  • Jun 4, 2020

    I never really hated gays but, I think like most people before the age 13-14, I was super ignorant about things like that. There are a few gay men in my family and whenever we would have reunions or something of the sort, where the whole family would get together I would never really know how to talk to them. I would give them very short, one word answers to just try and end the conversation. I feel awful about it in hindsight.

  • Jun 4, 2020
    1 reply
    dat guy

    "No one is saying it’s the same thing as being black"

    As you’re living in Europe u must have seen or heard of neighbourhoods where minorities are really in the minority, and they and, to a lesser extent, anyone who associates with them are tormented daily for it - you telling me you wouldn’t feel a way about someone in that neighbourhood who ducks out of supporting because racism is just accepted there?

    Doesn’t mean that the two things are the same tho

  • Jun 4, 2020

    Just wanna say a quick f*** you to organized religion

    Suck my d*** from the back on Sunday
