  • Gangstalicious

    These MFs love turning to God when they get themselves in hot water lmao. He ain't saving your ass.
    That said I don't dislike this guy so I hope it's real.

    Jesus is King era Kanye all over again.

  • Dec 1, 2023

    He did a “sting” operation by finding where EDP was at through one of his underaged victims but they made fun of the whole thing by with JiDon in a fat suit and bringing some comedian as an “investigator”

    He got backlash for it because an actual victim was involved and they didn’t inform the authorities but instead use the whole situation for content

    Idk if you're referring to Skeet Hansen when you're saying "comedian", but that's the other guy.
    His who YouTube channel is an entire sting operation amateur To Catch a Predator things.

    Admittedly his content is entertaining sometimes. But all of his vids are just as bad or worst.

    For Exp. A recent vid he made a predator challenge him to a game of Mortal Kombat when they got to the sting house. Told the predator "if you beat me in a game of MK, I won't tell the police about what you were doing"

  • Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply

    He finally got an adderal script

  • Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply

    That's the way you see it. One of the main duties of a Christian is to spread the Gospel and build community, so he's doing exactly what God wants him to do with his large platform.

    Your perspective is yours, but it directly contradicts Jesus

    Idk, I feel like you got to vet yourself a bit before you start preaching out to others. Let yourself work into your path of God before trying to promote to 7 million people.

  • Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Idk, I feel like you got to vet yourself a bit before you start preaching out to others. Let yourself work into your path of God before trying to promote to 7 million people.

    Again, that’s how you feel. He’s clearly stated he’s nobody’s teacher and is simply just sharing his testimony. He’s not forcing anyone to listen or convert nor is he teaching. Just sharing his findings

  • Dec 1, 2023

    He did a “sting” operation by finding where EDP was at through one of his underaged victims but they made fun of the whole thing by with JiDon in a fat suit and bringing some comedian as an “investigator”

    He got backlash for it because an actual victim was involved and they didn’t inform the authorities but instead use the whole situation for content

  • Dec 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Again, that’s how you feel. He’s clearly stated he’s nobody’s teacher and is simply just sharing his testimony. He’s not forcing anyone to listen or convert nor is he teaching. Just sharing his findings

    Idk.... his language in his videos came across as being a little condescending imo.

    Beyond that, I found subtle hints of homophobia in his video. Nothing extreme. Just some subtle wording that made me go🤨

    Have heard his channel also has some subtle "being gay is bad", "premarital s***is bad" type stuff as well.

    So far he seems to come across as the condescending type Christian

  • Dec 1, 2023

    Idk.... his language in his videos came across as being a little condescending imo.

    Beyond that, I found subtle hints of homophobia in his video. Nothing extreme. Just some subtle wording that made me go🤨

    Have heard his channel also has some subtle "being gay is bad", "premarital s***is bad" type stuff as well.

    So far he seems to come across as the condescending type Christian

    I could understand why you feel that way, I guess it didn’t come across to me that way. To many Christians, being gay is seen as a sin and that’s the way they choose to believe, then more power to them.

    Personally, I’m on God loves all his children, no matter their sexual identity. He’s still learning and I can’t knock him for trying and going all-in (even plays piano at his church). I completely understand where you’re coming from though, it can be uncomfortable

  • Dec 1, 2023

    L tbh

  • Malafe

    He finally got an adderal script
