  • FREE 💜
    Apr 6, 2020
    2 replies

    Whats the problem? I said i was ignorant about it and im giving my honest opinion

    How is that wrong? .

    What does a queer person look like b

  • FREE 💜
    Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply

    LMAO you really responded wit this too idk what to say tbh

  • Apr 6, 2020

    k pop stans really gonna run the world some day

    White peoples grip is too strong for that

  • Apr 6, 2020

    LMAO you really responded wit this too idk what to say tbh

    Idk why you on my ass fam. I said i was ignorant about it. I linked the queer images results cus thats what ignorant people like me think it looks like.

    Its like saying "she doesnt look like a girl to me" when you see a woman dressed up like a man or something. That doesnt make her less of a woman, thats just my perspective. Chill aight?

  • Apr 6, 2020
    JT is Electric

    im not that gay but i'd f*** Ezra pretty ass so har... I mean uhhh

  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Overrated celebrity acting like an a******. Another normal day.

    Why is he famous anyway? And why people getting mad that someone called him "HE" ? , wtf. Soo, if identify as an object people is obligated to call me "IT" ?. Sensibility is off the rails

    Also, dead at those people defending this. How the f*** you gonna pretend this is alright? Couldnt he simply deny participating instead of acting like a complete moron with a STRANGER? . Twitter fellas are something else

    Why is identifying as an object the go-to clapback against gender issues

    s*** is corny asl

  • Apr 6, 2020

    Nah bruh not Ezra

  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply

    What does a queer person look like b

    You know

  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply
    no color

    Why is identifying as an object the go-to clapback against gender issues

    s*** is corny asl

    Ohh so now identifying myself as an object is corny ? Put some respect on my sexuality fam.

    If they wanna call themselves "they" thats fine but dont force it on everybody .

  • FREE 💜
    Apr 6, 2020

    You know

    Ngl I use this so much Im glad someone fired it off.

    He got close by linking them pics

  • Apr 6, 2020

    Ohh so now identifying myself as an object is corny ? Put some respect on my sexuality fam.

    If they wanna call themselves "they" thats fine but dont force it on everybody .

  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply
    madison beer guy

    In the past he's said he's only ever been in love with women but he's open to whatever love can be and that he identifies as just human, not man or woman.

    I have nothing against being gay, but this whole identifying thing is out of control. You have 50 year old man's identifying as 8 year old girls.

    You can like or attract to what you want but no you can't change your biological set up unless you literally cut something off


  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I have nothing against being gay, but this whole identifying thing is out of control. You have 50 year old man's identifying as 8 year old girls.

    You can like or attract to what you want but no you can't change your biological set up unless you literally cut something off

    Exactly. Identification should be based of dna or your sexual parts.

    Not your desire of becoming a furry girl lol

  • Apr 6, 2020

    Take that sjws

    Lol that's how yall sound

  • Apr 6, 2020

    What the f***

  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Exactly. Identification should be based of dna or your sexual parts.

    Not your desire of becoming a furry girl lol

    I mean he said he identifies as a human and I’m pretty sure his dna would verify this

  • Apr 6, 2020

    Wish that was me getting choked btw

  • Apr 6, 2020
    3 replies

  • Apr 6, 2020

    Variety article, wonder how WB feels about this

  • Apr 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I mean he said he identifies as a human and I’m pretty sure his dna would verify this

    i know youre joking but dna can tell if you are a female or male.

  • Apr 6, 2020

    WB employees probably jumping for joy now that they can cancel this movie

  • Apr 6, 2020


  • Apr 6, 2020
    2 replies