many social medias have an issue of them being echo chambers for online people or places where people just say stuff. Twitter being the biggest example
however if you really want to know what off the internet is actually connecting in real life or what your grandma or the lady in the waiting room while you are waiting in your dentist office may know; Facebook is the biggest barometer
why do you think the Russians and MAGA flooded FB so bad? More people are actually using FB and the stuff they see from there
TLDR: In the grand scheme internet things. but something to keep in mind, if its on FB the general public prob knows it
Probably why it's a cesspool
honestly FB groups is prob the best thing social media ever offered
You’re right about this op lowkey just because normal people all use FB or IG (which is part of FB) vs other apps
Facebook was the first social media site to implement a secret population experiment on its users years back — without their knowledge — in which it gamed feed algorithms to show 50% of users positive/feel-good content, while the other 50% had their timelines flooded with very negative, violent, disheartening content that gave the impression the world was beyond saving.
Results in their online activity, even for prolonged periods after the experiment ended (cough "ended" cough), were exactly what anyone would expect. The doom and gloom group displayed heightened and unnecessary aggression in most of their interactions with others, tendency to antagonize, and overall their posts were much more likely to involve depressive and/or deprecating language.
I wouldnt be so quick to think Facebook is the best social site when it comes to reflective what real people believe and feel