  • Updated Jan 16

    It’s not supposed to be easy.

    Actually if it was easy it wouldn’t even be worth it.

    So just keep going!

    Either two things will happen:

    A. You’ll reach your goal


    B. You’ll need to keep working towards your goal

    But if you quit, you’ll never get to point A! So keep going.

    Don’t try and see.

    Don’t try a bunch of other things.

    Pick that one thing and give it your all.

    Look you’re going to make mistakes, you’re only human. Learn from them. Forgive yourself too. And move on.

    This game is won through attrition not force.

    Incremental progress leads to big results.

    Once a day take the time to change your life.

    It’ll happen. But you have to work on it everyday.

    Doesn’t have to be all day just once a day.

    Work at it. Push through and learn from failure.

    Just keep going.

  • Nov 13, 2023

    Really made this s*** for me. Ima be way nicer to myself going forward

  • Real

  • Nov 13, 2023
    · edited

    It’s not supposed to be easy.

    Actually if it was easy it wouldn’t even be worth it.

    So just keep going!

    Either two things will happen:

    A. You’ll reach your goal


    B. You’ll need to keep working towards your goal

    But if you quit, you’ll never get to point A! So keep going.

    Don’t try and see.

    Don’t try a bunch of other things.

    Pick that one thing and give it your all.

    Look you’re going to make mistakes, you’re only human. Learn from them. Forgive yourself too. And move on.

    This game is won through attrition not force.

    Incremental progress leads to big results.

    Once a day take the time to change your life.

    It’ll happen. But you have to work on it everyday.

    Doesn’t have to be all day just once a day.

    Work at it. Push through and learn from failure.

    Just keep going.

  • Nov 13, 2023


  • Illermatic 🛰️
    Nov 13, 2023

    good s***

  • Nov 13, 2023
    · edited

    It’s not supposed to be easy.

    Actually if it was easy it wouldn’t even be worth it.

    So just keep going!

    Either two things will happen:

    A. You’ll reach your goal


    B. You’ll need to keep working towards your goal

    But if you quit, you’ll never get to point A! So keep going.

    Don’t try and see.

    Don’t try a bunch of other things.

    Pick that one thing and give it your all.

    Look you’re going to make mistakes, you’re only human. Learn from them. Forgive yourself too. And move on.

    This game is won through attrition not force.

    Incremental progress leads to big results.

    Once a day take the time to change your life.

    It’ll happen. But you have to work on it everyday.

    Doesn’t have to be all day just once a day.

    Work at it. Push through and learn from failure.

    Just keep going.

  • Nov 13, 2023


  • Nov 13, 2023
    2 replies

    I'm trying

  • Nov 13, 2023

    Fendi (facts)

    Being indecisive is the enemy of progress, lay out all the information in front of you and you will know what’s the right thing to do, then go after with all your heart

    With an open mind you’ll either succeed in it or find something just as good along the way, trust the process 🤞

  • Nov 13, 2023

    I'm trying

    You either do it or you don’t, if you don’t then you’re in the perfect position to learn how to do it!

  • Nov 13, 2023


  • Nov 13, 2023
    1 reply

    ive failed too long

  • Nov 13, 2023
    1 reply

    shut up bozo


  • Nov 13, 2023
    1 reply
    OVO Steve Carell

    shut up bozo


    Real winners fail, if you not failing you not taking chances, you're too safe

  • Nov 13, 2023
    1 reply

    Real winners fail, if you not failing you not taking chances, you're too safe


  • Nov 13, 2023
    OVO Steve Carell


    I envy your childlike ignorance and whimsy

  • Nov 13, 2023

    In the game of thrones you win or you die

  • Nov 13, 2023
    3 replies

    Wht if ur journy fails

  • CutiePieHole

    Wht if ur journy fails

    Learn from it so it's not a complete waste

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Nov 13, 2023
  • Nov 13, 2023
    1 reply

    It took me 2 years to get my car fixed

    Another 2 years to get my tags renewed

    3 years to get my license back (I was a cokehead alcoholic and getting f***ed up was my main mission for those 3 years)

    But alhamdulilah, I'm here now

  • Nov 13, 2023

    ive failed too long


  • Nov 13, 2023

    I love seeing posts like this

  • plants 🌻
    Nov 13, 2023

    love posts like this but imma nitpick cuz i cannot help it. apart means separate, i think u mean 'a part' in the title. anyway its all love bro and failure rly is part and parcel with success, understanding that really helps move past those perceived failures on the path to eventual success