Imagine the real thing album re-recorded with his real voice instead of the weird nasal one
need new album
Faith No More> Red Hot Chili Peppers
well duh
well duh
it’s all love at the end of the day tho
that time mr bungle went on stage dressed as them and mimicking shooting needles tho..
Imagine the real thing album re-recorded with his real voice instead of the weird nasal one
ngl the nasal one grew on me and i like the vocals a lot on it now. it makes it pretty unique too
its really close to angel dust for me, and the title track actually could be my fav by them
i like its unique spot in the discocgraphy as the transitional album, with not much input from Patton. it doesnt sound much like any of the albums following or preceding it and also the style is pretty different when talking music in general. definitely a big step up writing-wise from Introduce Yourself. and i am just a fan of the funk metal style as well
@Ithaka do you f*** with Primus? ive been listening to a ton of them too recently
ngl the nasal one grew on me and i like the vocals a lot on it now. it makes it pretty unique too
its really close to angel dust for me, and the title track actually could be my fav by them
i like its unique spot in the discocgraphy as the transitional album, with not much input from Patton. it doesnt sound much like any of the albums following or preceding it and also the style is pretty different when talking music in general. definitely a big step up writing-wise from Introduce Yourself. and i am just a fan of the funk metal style as well
when even your single b side slaps...
when speaking of The Real Thing in 1989:
I will be totally honest .. the BEST album of the year! Kirk Hammet (Metallica)
the new Faith No More album is f***ing brilliant. The new lead singer is amazing, and the band itself is the most soulful and original rock and roll band to come along in a long time Slash (Guns’ N’ Roses)
@Ithaka do you f*** with Primus? ive been listening to a ton of them too recently
Mike Patton dressed as Kurt Cobain (and rocking a Primus shirt) for Halloween, 1990.
ive been heavily playing THPS 1&2 remaster lately so that primus song being stuck in my head, ive havnt really tried them tho like never went for a full album n s***, where would i start young king
Da goat 😭😭😭
I always wondered why they cut the Brixton academy show? it’s 18 songs according to the set list. Still to this day they only released 12. You mean to tell me they just ended the film roll at 12 songs? I find that dubious. The uk got only 9 & then they tacked on two outtakes, wtf. Who was in charge of tracklist? I know they did it to sell configurations to different territories. But why did the vhs stop at 58 minutes? 😒😒😒
Even to this day the dvd is 12 songs.
What slash/reprise should do is, release the brixton tour shows together. The real thing/ angel dust/king for a day/AOty. If they have video footage, throw in a dvd of each show & price it at 49.99 deluxe you get a t shirt of the tour of your choice. Or you sell a third option where you get the reprint of the tour shows. There you go, four amazing tours, 4 different time periods. Different editions. 😎
Da goat 😭😭😭
I always wondered why they cut the Brixton academy show? it’s 18 songs according to the set list. Still to this day they only released 12. You mean to tell me they just ended the film roll at 12 songs? I find that dubious. The uk got only 9 & then they tacked on two outtakes, wtf. Who was in charge of tracklist? I know they did it to sell configurations to different territories. But why did the vhs stop at 58 minutes? 😒😒😒
Even to this day the dvd is 12 songs.
What slash/reprise should do is, release the brixton tour shows together. The real thing/ angel dust/king for a day/AOty. If they have video footage, throw in a dvd of each show & price it at 49.99 deluxe you get a t shirt of the tour of your choice. Or you sell a third option where you get the reprint of the tour shows. There you go, four amazing tours, 4 different time periods. Different editions. 😎
king has spoken nothing but fax
tell em, they’re sleeping on a big bag bcdropping this RIGHT NOW would be the best move ever on their end
Mike Patton dressed as Kurt Cobain (and rocking a Primus shirt) for Halloween, 1990.
ive been heavily playing THPS 1&2 remaster lately so that primus song being stuck in my head, ive havnt really tried them tho like never went for a full album n s***, where would i start young king
id start with Frizzle Fry, i think its the best. just check out the groove that comes in at :54 and the cool weird bass part at 3:13
definitely a weird band and they didnt click with me the first time around a few years ago. the genre is weird, the guitar (sometimes atonal) is weird, the virtuoso bass playing is weird and the vocals are very weird. they definitely have a sort of zappa esque attitude in their style/combination of humor and lightheartedness with virtuosity which probably puts some people off. the bass is just insane, everyone is right when they talk about how good claypool is
might be the weirdest band to get multiple top 10 platinum albums, idk how that happened lol
and shoutout to guitarist Larry LaLonde for also being a member of death metal pioneers Possessed a few years earlier
id start with Frizzle Fry, i think its the best. just check out the groove that comes in at :54 and the cool weird bass part at 3:13
! a weird band and they didnt click with me the first time around a few years ago. the genre is weird, the guitar (sometimes atonal) is weird, the virtuoso bass playing is weird and the vocals are very weird. they definitely have a sort of zappa esque attitude in their style/combination of humor and lightheartedness with virtuosity which probably puts some people off. the bass is just insane, everyone is right when they talk about how good claypool is
might be the weirdest band to get multiple top 10 platinum albums, idk how that happened lol
and shoutout to guitarist Larry LaLonde for also being a member of death metal pioneers Possessed a few years earlier
yeah it’s funny bc im starting to pick on how fnm got influenced
taking notes tho taking notes, god bless u thank you
@grimes u into them young king?
i think Mike Patton is a pretty cool guy overall but i don't really listen to them outside of the hits
i think Mike Patton is a pretty cool guy overall but i don't really listen to them outside of the hits
fair enough
thank you boss, took lotta work whewww
hell yeahh!! it’s a banger SO f***ing good to hear that crazy ass thrash energy and such legends stepping in too
some ppl might misunderstand it and expect pattons more “experimental” stuff that’s why i added that note bc i feel the fans might be underwhelmed and not get it that’s it’s a re-recording of material they did when they were teenagers, so in hindsight it’s even better in how f***ing hard it goes for 1986 lol
altho im used to the bootleg quality it brought some charm especially to the intro song which is a fav, s*** takes me back to some stuff that inspired me
so f***ing depressed of covid putting a hold on the FNM reunion tour, i f***ing wish they would surprise drop us an album to make up for it but idk, i think patton denied any new music in the work altho roddy stated otherwise some time ago.. ugh i want it so bad tho i loved sol invictus, it’s not as wild as their other work but still who else be doing s*** this cool yknow
This is gonna sound sacrilegious but I still kind of prefer the wilder, unpolished vocals on the original demo 😬 Other than that it’s great. It’d be cool if they did something with Heifetz and Bär again while they’re all still able-bodied but I think both of them live in Australia and the core of the band was always Patton, Trevor and Trey anyway.
This is gonna sound sacrilegious but I still kind of prefer the wilder, unpolished vocals on the original demo 😬 Other than that it’s great. It’d be cool if they did something with Heifetz and Bär again while they’re all still able-bodied but I think both of them live in Australia and the core of the band was always Patton, Trevor and Trey anyway.
nah i feel that, it’s great to hear patton crush it vocally now knowing how technical and experienced he got but the original just has this edgy ness and hardcore energy to it like these teenagers didn’t give a f***
@cotton_dockers gonna need an all mike patton projects ranking from someone in this website could u be the one
Haha @Ithaka I could try! I have heard a lot of them. Still need to give the Nevermen and tētēma albums a real listen. I liked the Corpse Flower album he did with the elderly Frenchman whose name escapes me. Also need to get into his soundtrack work! The only movie he’s scored that I think I’ve actually seen is The Place Beyond the Pines and I don’t remember it or the music very well.
You know what I’m kind of glad fell by the wayside? Crudo. Everything I’ve heard of it sounds like bad Peeping Tom.
Band people probably forget about since Dan the Automator seemingly hates finishing things so there’s still never been a follow-up even though work did allegedly begin on one: Lovage. Always loved this Berlin cover:
courtney love singing in fnm in 1984
kurt was roddy’s best friend, roddy was one of the last person to talk to him
i’ll make a more lengthy post about it