  • Dec 22, 2024

    I applied for jobs in nyc and this one hit me for an interview (I just spammed applications so didnt really remember or go for them specifically)
    Their website says their agency directs pop-up events and experiences so I thought maybe they do fun s*** at different venues idk

    Turns out THE WHOLE SITE DESCRIPTION IS BULLSHIT and they just walk around selling T-mobile plans to people😂😂😂😂

    But throughout the entire zoom interview it was with this pretty young lady who didnt even give a hint of that
    I was surprised she told me come in for a 2nd in-person.

    She very vaguely described that they work with brands and their office is near Times Square so I thought probably decent
    I’m not from nyc but trying to move there so I TOOK A GREYHOUND ALL THE WAY excited

    Boom I get there and my floor on the elevator opens and it’s a bunch of ppl in suits and the lady from zoom comes up with an older guy and says “for the interview today Jason will evaluate you doing a short version of what we do”

    I just went with the flow but we got on a bus and went all the way to Jersey. I scheduled 3 other zoom interviews to squeeze in the same day so I thought we’d be back in at most an hr

    Turn out we do a whole 10 HOUR SHIFT with him and another guy just walking around trying to get people to change to a T-mobile plan lmao. I was like that’s it? Why does the job description sound so formal and deceptive then

    Dont really know the NJ to NY transport and left my bag/money at the office so I’m basically stuck with him for the return ticket

    I just said f*** it and was on my phone and walked away from them whenever to do the other job interviews on zoom

    When we get back this nigga SNITCHED on me for taking the other zoom calls 😂😂😂😂

    She had the audacity to take me in a room and CHASTISE ME for that like I even worked there. I asked can I get compensated for my time and she said she’d contact me the next day but never emailed me since

    Anyway that’s my story, who’s hiring

  • Dec 22, 2024
    1 reply

    they hit u w the

  • Dec 22, 2024

    they hit u w the


    😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 That’s how it be fr

    My last job’s title on Indeed was “field service technician” nigga I was a driver

  • Dec 22, 2024

    Good story op

  • Dec 22, 2024
    1 reply

    I'd be mad as hell, trying to think of ways to f*** them without risking getting in serious trouble.

  • Dec 22, 2024

    this wuld piss me the FCK off

  • Dec 22, 2024
    BlueStepper Gaw

    I'd be mad as hell, trying to think of ways to f*** them without risking getting in serious trouble.

  • Dec 22, 2024

    I woulda folded to the PYT as well OP

  • Dec 23, 2024

    What a waste…I have definitely come across job descriptions that make it seem like it’s a much better job than it is, or describe it in a way that evades the main objective.

  • Dec 23, 2024
    2 replies

    I remember showing up to a Vector interview and they told us we would be going door to door selling knives. I'd like to imagine nobody showed up for the second day of training.

  • Dec 24, 2024

    I remember showing up to a Vector interview and they told us we would be going door to door selling knives. I'd like to imagine nobody showed up for the second day of training.

    Lmaoooo what tf if someone came to my house selling knives I’d slam the door in their face. Wonder if they actually get customers each day

  • Dec 24, 2024

    Right It’s so annoying and even the ones that are legit are too verbose trying to sound so professional for a pizza job…. I’m convinced they spam ChatGPT nowadays

  • Dec 24, 2024

    I remember showing up to a Vector interview and they told us we would be going door to door selling knives. I'd like to imagine nobody showed up for the second day of training.

    fell for this scam way back. left halfway through the first day

  • Dec 24, 2024

    try to find a staffing agency