so hard
can't tell if im early or late to his rise // bro got pull fasho
On time i'd say tbh
can't tell if im early or late to his rise // bro got pull fasho
London’s Saviour is incredible.
wonder why he doesn’t self produce as much anymore
London’s Saviour is incredible.
wonder why he doesn’t self produce as much anymore
he actually explained this in an interview:)
“So, you clearly write everything. Do you produce everything as well?”
fakemink: I’ve been producing since 2015. I’ve been rapping since 2020. Since London’s Saviour, everything has been produced by me. But, London’s Saviour gave me that push for me to introduce myself to producers that I f*** with, so they just send me beats. Obviously, I’ve become a bigger artist, so I really don’t have time to self-produce. I just self-produce for myself and GhostInnaFurCoat.