I was buggin yall, choosing whether or not to blow up a city is in peak philosophy in video games
FO3 walked so baldurs gate 3 could run
Isn’t that in both games
Man replayed fallout3 and new Vegas over the summer with a mod where you can access both worlds in the same game and it was one of the funnest thing I did all year. Cant wait for this
Which one is better between 3 and New Vegas
I think 3 is better and when they were released that opinion was almost unanimous. But in the years since its switched and people think new Vegas is the magnum opus fallout game. But 3 is what I played first and laid the foundation so its my personal favourite. Tbh theyre both very similar.
I think 3 is better and when they were released that opinion was almost unanimous. But in the years since its switched and people think new Vegas is the magnum opus fallout game. But 3 is what I played first and laid the foundation so its my personal favourite. Tbh theyre both very similar.
Might be time to really check it out
Which one is better between 3 and New Vegas
new vegas by far, much better writing
Might be time to really check it out
You should they hold up extremely well. If you have it on PC you can get tale of two wastelands mod and play both in the same game, you juts go between both areas and half your leveling speed where theres double the content. Thats the ideal way to play it imo. But you cant go wrong playing either on their own.
You should they hold up extremely well. If you have it on PC you can get tale of two wastelands mod and play both in the same game, you juts go between both areas and half your leveling speed where theres double the content. Thats the ideal way to play it imo. But you cant go wrong playing either on their own.
I've always found the VAT system interesting. Should be cool to see more of what the world has to offer
I've always found the VAT system interesting. Should be cool to see more of what the world has to offer
VATS is the best combat mechanic Bethesda ever produced. I was surprised it wasn’t replaced with anything in star field. It makes it like an in between light j rpg and regular fps. Super unique.
i think theyre just re releasing the original fallout 3 next month with all the old games
That's correct
Should i play it or 4?
If you have a PC you could try it and refund it if you don't like it
I found the games to be very dated feeling so I couldn't really get into it
If you have a PC you could try it and refund it if you don't like it
I found the games to be very dated feeling so I couldn't really get into it
I have both for years now
I have both for years now
Honestly I’d wait for the remaster, even if it takes a year or two. fallout 3 is a 10/10 rpg and I’d hate for your experience to be soured by it feeling dated.
Fallout 4 is about to get a next-gen upgrade btw, could be coming this month
only fallout 3 news recently is that theyve been updating the steam versions of old games probably to make them more compatible with newer pcs in time for the show and the release of this next month
dont think a remaster is coming any time soon
Wish they'd f*** around and drop this for PS5. I'd love to play the old games I missed out on but I'm just not much of a PC guy.
So is “Fallout 3 Remaster” not currently a thing?
Microsoft accidentally leaked it themselves but they haven’t officially announced it yet
What are the odds this gets announced at Fallout day today
absolutely 0 lol
absolutely 0 lol
It just ended and they didn’t even talk about any other game besides 76… literally the worst thing to happen to this franchise.
76 would’ve been cool as a small spin-off, but the fact that 7 years later it’s still taking center stage is ridiculous. I dont even need a new game, just a remaster or a port of any game in the franchise would be fine but still it’s just new content for 76? Why.