★ FAM 2 ★

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  • Oct 29, 2019

    you were warned though short songs incoming

    then 2 songs later was the 5 minute zenith "Reborn"

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    lmao how you gunna call the album uninspired then criticize the vocal cracks on “God Is”, one of the most inspired parts of the whole album imo.

    just sounds like this isn’t what you wanted from Kanye and that’s fine, but the whole “omg these are half baked, unfinished songs!” complaint has been tired as f*** since TLOP dropped.

    art doesn’t have to conform to our personal ideas of what it means to be “finished” or “completed”, especially not when it’s coming from an artist who’s proven that he can make conventionally perfect albums. That’d be boring. Instead, he’s giving us these flawed but hella interesting looks into his psyche at the moment, with all the nonsensical but forward thinking ideas he’s always had.

    I dunno, the idea that Ye is allowed to release half baked ideas as songs because they're a window into his batsuit insane scattershot mind is equally tired in my opinion.

  • Oct 29, 2019

    There are little moments on here that remind me why I love Kanye but they're few and far between and for the most part I absolutely hate it

  • Oct 29, 2019

    I dunno, the idea that Ye is allowed to release half baked ideas as songs because they're a window into his batsuit insane scattershot mind is equally tired in my opinion.

    it's not "allowed"
    his fanbase is strong and will eat up nearly anything he does, almost more so than Radiohead

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Batsuit insane lol

  • Oct 29, 2019
    rise zero

    Batsuit insane lol

    F*** sake

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Kanye is full of s***

    Zane Lowe is a s***tier interviewer, but when he asked Kanye how does he reconcile the christian values he's preaching with the fact that he's trying to copyright the term Sunday Service, Ye was like.....um.......everything is about God.......

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Kanye is the GOAT lol

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Yall say jik is cohesive??? The s*** is a f***ing mess of half baked ideas, surface level lyrics and some of kanye's most uninspired vocal performances ever. Sounds like he needs a lozenge on "God Is", he neutered tf out of "Selah" with his corny Christian bars, "Water" just sucks... don't get me started on that verse. The rest is a mess. "Hands On" the one track that feels like it might've actually been completed but it's not really a good song. The best moment on this album is the hallelujahs on Selah, but it transitions to one of Kanye's weakest vocal performances ever

    describes basically every Ye album at least since the second half of Yeezus (aside from the vocal performances, which I would actually defend here aside from Closed on Sunday. I really like Selah. He's had plenty of worse performances on TLOP and Ye.)

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Don't even get me started on the lyrics on "On God"


    his sex-bars were just as cringe. + he was repeating his tropes endlessly since TLOP. In fact, he has nothing to say anymore.

  • Oct 29, 2019

    TLOP songs were actually finished though, they were just poorly mastered at first.

    Even ye had more structure to the songs than this. I don't care if he's being 'unconventional', to me it sounds like a lazy, rushed project who clearly doesn't give a f*** about music like he used to

    but there were almost no actual ideas behind the structure, which made them astonishingly irrelevant. This album has more meat.

  • Oct 29, 2019

    I really should think about my top 20 albums of decade tbh

    I know I'm gonna be biased toward the year 2010 tho, so many great memories

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    lmao how you gunna call the album uninspired then criticize the vocal cracks on “God Is”, one of the most inspired parts of the whole album imo.

    just sounds like this isn’t what you wanted from Kanye and that’s fine, but the whole “omg these are half baked, unfinished songs!” complaint has been tired as f*** since TLOP dropped.

    art doesn’t have to conform to our personal ideas of what it means to be “finished” or “completed”, especially not when it’s coming from an artist who’s proven that he can make conventionally perfect albums. That’d be boring. Instead, he’s giving us these flawed but hella interesting looks into his psyche at the moment, with all the nonsensical but forward thinking ideas he’s always had.

    I agree with you here but I feel like the last 3 records were more fleshed out/nuanced than JIK

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    "Just do that and then let the music do somethin', and then do that again, that'd be enough for a record
    I mean, you only want two and a half minutes if you can get it, you know, three minutes max—"

    Facts. This the wave.

    Made a thread about it in ye sxn. Got locked lol

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Kanye is full of s***

    Zane Lowe is a s***tier interviewer, but when he asked Kanye how does he reconcile the christian values he's preaching with the fact that he's trying to copyright the term Sunday Service, Ye was like.....um.......everything is about God.......

    Uhh he also said he doesnt have full info but the idea is to streamline those funds towards donation :mm:

  • OP
    Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Deadpeg baited me in here with babadook praise

    did i ever tell you about how Night of the Hunter sucks

  • OP
    Oct 29, 2019

    Kanye is the GOAT lol

    that’s On God

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Ghost Town is definitely an incredible song and better than anything on JIK, but Pablo and definitely Yeezus have better songs.

  • Oct 29, 2019

    his sex-bars were just as cringe. + he was repeating his tropes endlessly since TLOP. In fact, he has nothing to say anymore.

    he actually has a lot to say, he just doesn't want to

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    I agree with you here but I feel like the last 3 records were more fleshed out/nuanced than JIK

    Ye more fleshed out/nuanced than JIK?

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Ye more fleshed out/nuanced than JIK?


  • pneu
    Oct 29, 2019


    What makes you say that?

  • pneu
    Oct 29, 2019

    I liked ye a lot more than most but to say it's better than JIK is just blasphemy.

    Track arrangements and the addition of the choir make some of these songs sound so grand that it s***s on any song on ye minus Ghost Town.

    I kinda view this album as Ye's testimony.

    I have a hard time understanding why anyone would place ye over this.

  • pneu
    Oct 29, 2019

    but what would pass as “inspired Christian bars” for you if not some of the ones on this album lmao? Like what makes these “surface level” and uninspired in the first place?

    i’ve never been Christian in my life, and i can say that on tracks like “God Is” and “Use This Gospel” his lyrics expressing faith and devotion to God and also the struggles that come with it really touch me every time i hear em. beautiful stuff tbh. and that could just come down to personal preference, but i’d like you to expand on it so i can understand why i love a lot of the lyrics so much but you hate them.

    Well said.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    I like ye but JiK is just in another league