before http?
post "creepy" to get the spider
how yall post images ?
put a ! before the url
The Dreaming
The Queen Is Dead
What’s the first album on your list with testosterone?
My favorite movie scene this decade
!, Stranger Things basically owes Martinez a co-credit for their score
Top 3 albums of the year so far?
TLOP4 / uknowhatimsayin?
Earl bout to drop though
Replace Bandana with Baby on Baby and move Danny to #4 for me
Top 3 albums of the year so far?
TLOP4 / uknowhatimsayin?
Earl bout to drop though
1. Black to Comm - Seven Horses for Seven Kings
2. Lingua Ignota - CALIGULA
3. Lana Del Rey - Norman F***ing Rockwell
will probably change as I listen ti more new releases although I think that my #1 will stay in the Top 3 or at least 5.
wow, Stranger Things basically owes Martinez a co-credit for their score
They both just ripped Tangerine Dream and Vangelis
1. Black to Comm - Seven Horses for Seven Kings
2. Lingua Ignota - CALIGULA
3. Lana Del Rey - Norman F***ing Rockwell
will probably change as I listen ti more new releases although I think that my #1 will stay in the Top 3 or at least 5.
Nfr is top 3 of hers imo
Tied with btd
What’s the first album on your list with testosterone?
Probably Late Registration.
If I was doing top 10
Replace Bandana with Baby on Baby and move Danny to #4 for me
Baby On Baby just sounds like one long song.
What’s the first album on your list with testosterone?
testosterone not needed :camby: