damn my prof delayed this assignment once already and then delayed it again because he's going to be going to chicago and getting tanked this weekend
damn my prof delayed this assignment once already and then delayed it again because he's going to be going to chicago and getting tanked this weekend
jesus did it
if it sounds like trash? yes
So you’re judging an album without hearing it first?
Ktt2 inaugural plug when?
it was yesterday u missed it
So you’re judging an album without hearing it first?
how else would i decide whether or not to listen to something
yo so what Halloween albums should i have in rotation tonight? already listened to Lil B- Halloween H20 and i think i’ma play Fredo Krueger 2 next
1. Black to Comm - Seven Horses for Seven Kings
2. Lingua Ignota - CALIGULA
3. Lana Del Rey - Norman F***ing Rockwell
will probably change as I listen ti more new releases although I think that my #1 will stay in the Top 3 or at least 5.
Lana's album was really good and I don't even like her that much
Top 3 albums of the year so far?
TLOP4 / uknowhatimsayin?
Earl bout to drop though
Lil B - Hunchback of Basedgod
100 gecs - 1000 gecs
Lil Tracy - Anarchy
Earl about to drop another classic
how did y’all get spider emojis and i got a pumpkin? i’d rather have a spider
type creepy for the spider
brains for zombie
spooky for ghost
this Earl is weird as f*** lmaoooo second track sound like William Basinski circus music
this Earl is weird as f*** lmaoooo second track sound like William Basinski circus music