★ FAM 2 ★

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  • drjdeponytail

    @branmalt @Bizzle return of the jangle


    Just got around to this one, I'm loving it

  • My mate got us an upgrade to business class on our flight yesterday and let me tell you from first hand that those rich c***s up there are laughing at you mugs in the back. It's so good

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    Vultures was a solid 6/10 at best for me but I definitely "like" it compared to Vultures 2

    Damn the way you talk about V1 i thought youd give it like a 4/10

    I'd prob give it a 5 but we got quite different rating systems i think

  • rvi 🐸
    2 replies

    Damn the way you talk about V1 i thought youd give it like a 4/10

    I'd prob give it a 5 but we got quite different rating systems i think

    its more that its such a clear step down in his discography overall

    6 is an okay album for me. but makes it his worst album because all his ones before that were at least pretty good to me. i also think i liked Donda more than a lot of people

    V2 would be like a 3 or 4/10 but i didnt even want to give it a real digestion, think i listened 3 times

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    its more that its such a clear step down in his discography overall

    6 is an okay album for me. but makes it his worst album because all his ones before that were at least pretty good to me. i also think i liked Donda more than a lot of people

    V2 would be like a 3 or 4/10 but i didnt even want to give it a real digestion, think i listened 3 times

    I’ll take Donda over anything after Yeezus

  • Galaxy

    Dang jealous

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    its more that its such a clear step down in his discography overall

    6 is an okay album for me. but makes it his worst album because all his ones before that were at least pretty good to me. i also think i liked Donda more than a lot of people

    V2 would be like a 3 or 4/10 but i didnt even want to give it a real digestion, think i listened 3 times

    V1 so much better than s*** ass Ye

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    donda what an album

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    V1 so much better than s*** ass Ye

    About equal but it's mid v mid

  • demo

    donda what an album

    Impeccable highs on that joint

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    About equal but it's mid v mid

    V1 still better than most other rap albums I hear but I can't say that about Ye

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    I’ll take Donda over anything after Yeezus

    Best rap album of the decade so far

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    V1 still better than most other rap albums I hear but I can't say that about Ye

    First part of that sentence just hurts my soul, my God

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    First part of that sentence just hurts my soul, my God

    Take it easy

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    Take it easy

    It's already a bit stale after a year ngl and i was defending it on release. I was wrong about it, it's as mid as people say it is

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    It's already a bit stale after a year ngl and i was defending it on release. I was wrong about it, it's as mid as people say it is

    Yeah I have not been listening to Kanye so maybe

  • Elric

    Yeah I have not been listening to Kanye so maybe

    Idk if it was V2 that made V1 worse for me but it was around that time that I found V1 had already run its course. Some interesting and unique production throughout but that's all that really stands out

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    I’ll take Donda over anything after Yeezus

    I thought it was DONDA over everything after MBDTF or did you have a gym sesh playing Yeezus on Max volume cause that always pulls yeezus up for me a little bit

  • Galaxy

    I thought it was DONDA over everything after MBDTF or did you have a gym sesh playing Yeezus on Max volume cause that always pulls yeezus up for me a little bit

    I'd probably take it over Yeezus but tbh I haven't jammed any Kanye in a minute but yea Donda is a good one

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    2 replies

    Best rap album of the decade so far

    I can't say all that broski haha I don't even know if it would crack the top 10 in my books

  • Koala

    I can't say all that broski haha I don't even know if it would crack the top 10 in my books

    Maybe if the tracklist was cut by 40% but Ye didn't shy from throwing everything on the wall so it def suffers overall

  • Koala

    I can't say all that broski haha I don't even know if it would crack the top 10 in my books

    yeah im not listening to nearly as much rap as you. just from the maybe 20 or 30 rap albums ive heard.